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Signs Your Mental Health Is Improving

Signs Your Mental Health Is Improving

Working on your physical health is often easier than working on your mental health. With the help of blood work, physical tests, and changes in physical appearance, we can determine when something with our body is off. But if you’re working on improving your mental health, it can feel as if there’s no clear way to measure your progress. You’re working it out in therapy with meditation and other habits, but where are the results? Our Florida mental health rehab found some common signs your mental health is improving to help you gauge your progress.  

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Signs of Good Mental Health and Improvement 

While it may seem difficult to determine if your mental health is getting better, there are some ways to measure what often seems like an invisible improvement. Below are some common signs your mental health is improving to look out for.   

You’ve Accomplished Your Goals  

Usually, in the first therapy session with a client, therapists will ask why they’re seeking treatment. While most people seek therapy when they’re going through a problem, you don’t have to be going through a mental health crisis to seek help.  

So many therapists approach the individual’s treatment by asking them what they want to accomplish or improve in their lives with therapy. If the answer is something like, “I want to sleep better,” then improved sleep is a sign that a goal is achieved and their mental health is improving.  

There’s a Reduction in Symptoms 

Major signs of good mental and emotional health include a reduction in symptoms. For instance, if you began therapy for panic attacks – which may have occurred three times a week – and now you only have one a week, that’s a major sign of improvement.  

Even if you aren’t at zero panic attacks, you’re still improving. Other improvements you might notice in symptoms as your mental health gets better include improved sleep, fewer emotional outbursts, stabilized appetite, and more socializing with loved ones.  

You’ve Set Healthy Boundaries  

How you set boundaries is a great way to determine if your mental health is improving. For example, you might have a friend or family member who expects you to drop everything you’re doing to spend time with them.  

While you may have done this in the past because you were afraid of upsetting them, confrontation, or even losing that relationship, now you realize that this isn’t the only response to this situation. Instead, you might respond with, “I’d love to help you, but I need more advanced notice.” 

While this might feel uncomfortable and unsettling at first, the more you practice setting these healthy and very fair boundaries, the more natural it’ll seem to you. Boundaries also ensure that we’re taking care of ourselves, too, which is crucial for mental health.  

You Practice Accountability  

Common coping mechanisms among people with mental illness include aggression, passive-aggression, and blaming others. In contrast, signs your mental health is improving include increased self-assertiveness and accountability. While mental illness is challenging and not anyone’s fault, an important aspect of improvement and growth is being able to acknowledge personal mistakes.  

You Look To Yourself for Acceptance  

Mental illness often comes with a lot of shame, self-consciousness, self-doubt, and lack of self-confidence. People often respond to these feelings by seeking validation and acceptance from others.  

However, this mindset can lead to a lot of disappointment, as it makes our happiness dependent on someone else’s feelings and behaviors. Considering that no one is perfect, when we constantly rely on the acceptance of others, we’re likely to feel disappointed.  

Therefore, another major sign of good mental health and improvement is more self-trust. When you trust yourself, you seek acceptance from yourself rather than others, which will lead you to do the things you love and are good for you no matter what others say.  

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Our Boca Treatment Center Can Help  

Banyan Treatment Centers offers Boca behavioral health services for disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and others. We utilize evidence-based practices like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help clients understand the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors linked to their disorders and how to best cope with their symptoms.  

Call our Boca Raton rehab today at 888-280-4763 for a full rundown of our mental health services and how to get started.  


Related Reading: 

Top Books on Managing Anxiety 

Cognitive Symptoms of Depression 

Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.