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Accountability in Recovery: Helpful Tips & Why It’s Important

Accountability in Recovery: Helpful Tips & Why It’s Important

Holding someone accountable for their actions can be difficult. But keeping yourself accountable can be even more challenging. Especially when you’re recovering from an addiction, holding yourself responsible can be difficult if you’re going through drug cravings or are in the early stages of recovery. Having someone there to back you up and hold you responsible for your actions is always a great way to make sure you stay on track in any circumstance, so why is recovery any different? Today our Chicago rehab is sharing the importance of accountability in recovery and some tips on reinforcing it in your recovery.

The Importance of Accountability in Recovery

Accountability is a crucial factor in living a happy and healthy lifestyle. Accountability offers a guide to help us reach our goals and accomplish tasks we wouldn’t finish without that extra supervision. When it comes to a situation as delicate as maintaining sobriety, having as much help and support as possible can make the process a little smoother.

Accountability in addiction recovery is important for staying on track and keeping your focus on the things that matter. For a person who’s recovering from substance abuse, an addiction-free life is a thing that matters. Without accountability, a person in addiction recovery may fail to realize their faults in the process and are more likely to relapse. It often takes an outside source to call us out for our mistakes and motivate us to do better, and that’s exactly what an accountability partner is.

Tips for Embracing Addiction Accountability in Recovery

People who are working on staying sober often struggle to stay on track. Because their bodies and minds were at a point where they were entirely dependent on these substances, being self-accountable is not always an option. Breaking these psychological and physical ties can be difficult, and it takes time and patience.

Having someone around to hold the individual responsible for their actions can help keep them on track and focused on their goal. Without accountability, the individual is at risk of relapsing, which can come with self-shame, blaming others, aggressive behavior, and more. If you’re in addiction recovery and need extra help, below are some of our tips for embracing accountability that can help.

Find an Accountability Partner

Most addiction recovery programs emphasize the importance of creating relationships with people who understand your struggle and support your efforts in getting and staying sober. These individuals refuse to be enablers and are willing to be honest with you, even if it’s something you don’t want to hear. In addition to having someone to turn to when you come across a trigger, an accountability partner can also help you stick with your recovery plan and show up to offer help when you need it.

An accountability partner should be someone who knows about your addiction and recovery efforts and will not enable any negative behavior. They must be willing to be honest with you when you show signs of relapsing or diverting from your original plan. This person should also be someone you trust and know will have your back if you need any immediate help.

Write Down a Personal Accountability Statement

A personal accountability statement is basically a contract with yourself. This statement doesn’t have to be very long, but it should include why you’re choosing to practice self-accountability or seek out an accountability partner and the problems that can occur if you don’t uphold your end of the deal. Although we’re mainly discussing how someone else could keep you accountable, at the end of the day, only the person with the addiction can choose to remain sober and in recovery.

As much as a partner can help you stay in line, you’re ultimately the person who chooses whether or not you will stay sober. This choice is an interior process, and by writing down a statement and signing it, you’re making a deal with yourself to not give up on yourself. You can keep this recovery statement in your wallet or even frame it at home in a place where you’ll see it every day as a reminder.

Learn What Your Triggers Are

A major part of self-accountability is learning what your triggers are. These can include certain situations, people, and even things that remind you of using or drinking or encourage you to do so. This isn’t about avoiding situations you dislike or make you uncomfortable - it’s about recognizing situations that pose an immediate threat to your sobriety.

For instance, if you come across an abusive family member at a family gathering or bump into an old drinking buddy while you’re running errands, it’s in these moments that accountability comes into play. Whether you need to politely excuse yourself or need to call your accountability partner, self-responsibility needs to be practiced.

Use Technology

Considering the various applications out there, the limit for using technology to aid in your recovery efforts is very high. With that said, you can find an app that can help you stay accountable. Soberlink is a great tool to use for staying sober. The system combines an alcohol testing device with wireless technology to conduct real-time tests through a cloud-based portal.

Whether you’re in or out of PHP treatment, Soberlink allows individuals to easily strengthen their accountability by sharing test results with members of their Recovery Circle, helping them honor their sobriety commitment, and keeping them accountable. Other great addiction recovery apps you can use include Sober Grid, Quitzilla, and SoberTool.

Consider Joining a Support Group

The most popular 12-Step program is Alcoholics Anonymous, but other accountability programs like LifeRing, Celebrate Recovery, and Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) Recovery can help. Since formal recovery programs usually host daily meetings in various locations, they offer consistent and available opportunities to engage in the recovery community and remain accountable.

Whether it’s a faith-based recovery program or a secular one, the key is to find a program that meets your needs, fits your schedule, and keeps you on track. In addition to treating substance use disorders, keeping someone with an addiction accountable is our specialty.

If you or a loved one is battling a drug or alcohol addiction or needs assistance in the recovery process, Banyan Treatment Centers can help. Call us today at 888-280-4763 to find out more about the addiction services offered at our Chicago addiction treatment center.

Related Reading:
Overcoming Fear in Recovery
Overcoming Guilt and Shame in Addiction Recovery

Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.