Booty bumping, also well-known as “boofing,” is a way for drug consumption. Administering drugs like methamphetamine, heroin, or cocaine, into the gluteus maximus is the general definition, but the process may be referred to as plugging or hooping. If someone is to booty bump drugs, then this is another way to abuse and misuse substances, and it happens more often than you may think.
What Is Plugging Meth and What Drugs Are Used to Booty Bump?
An individual who is misusing substances may decide to take drugs anally instead of through injection or snorting them. Plugging refers to inserting or plugging a pill into the rectum, crushing the tablet, and filling a gel capsule with the powder for injection. Many people booty bump meth. It is a typical substance out of the drugs ingested by “boofing” because it dissolves freely in water and is simple to prepare solutions. The after-effects of methamphetamine are addicting, and this particular process avoids some other health risks involved in injection, smoking, and snorting. Someone plugging is the same as someone who booty bumps drugs. Commonly used drugs people abuse include:
- Cocaine
- MDMA (ecstasy)
- Adderall
- Vyvanse
- Tramadol
- Kratom
- Morphine
- Heroin
- Xanax
What Does Boofing Feel Like?
Many people admit that you feel an intense high from booty bumping drugs that you may feel more in your torso or limbs rather than the common head-rush associated with smoking. Arousal from anal insertion stimulates individuals who become addicted to “boofing.” Discomfort, irritation, or pain may also be an effect of booty bumping, especially if a person does not properly lubricate. However, an overdose of stimulants or mixing multiple substances is considered over ramping, but it is not defined by drug quantity or potency. Boofing an initial dose, one may usually sniff or smoke hits faster, potentially raising the risk of overdamping.
Overdose signs may look like the body is limping or blue lips or fingernails. Also, if someone is to booty bump drugs, then slow breathing and a change of skin color mean that a person has hit the danger zone and will need immediate assistance. Other side effects of plugging or booty bumping include persistent diarrhea, damaged rectal tissue, and sudden poor blood circulation. In particular, these side effects can increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or infections.
Drug Rehabilitation in Illinois
The Banyan Rehab in Gilman specializes in successful treatment and welcomes you to recovery. Our highly trained professionals and licensed therapists use unique therapy programs to help you safely get through withdrawals. After realizing addiction or battling mental illness, it is vital to get help from professionals, so you are ensured to not relapse.
Our Heartland drug rehab always has someone ready to answer any questions you may have or if you are simply looking for more information about a particular mental illness or addiction. Do not hesitate to get started!
Contact Banyan Treatment Center today at 888-260-4763 to learn more about our inpatient substance abuse treatment in Illinois!
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