Addiction Events Blog | Banyan Treatment Center
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February 26, 2019

Having Fun While Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day Sober

Green beer, a green Chicago River, and an overwhelming number of alcohol-fueled celebrations. Staying sober on St. Patrick’s Day can be challenging, but it is possible. Banyan Heartland shares tips for a sober St. Patrick’s Day.
January 17, 2019

Sober Valentine’s Day Activities

Skip the champagne this Valentine’s Day in exchange for these fun and sober ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Banyan Treatment Center, a trusted drug and alcohol treatment center, shares their tips for a fun and sober celebration of all things Cupid.
December 20, 2018

What to Know About Maintaining Sobriety in the New Year

New year, new you! If you’re getting sober in the new year or you’ve already found sobriety, it’s important to understand how to maintain sobriety in the new year. With the right approach and dedication, you can maintain your sobriety in the coming year and beyond.
December 7, 2018

Fun Sober Holiday Activities

If you’re celebrating your first sober holiday season, there are some holiday tips that can help you stay sober through the holidays and beyond. The treatment professionals at Banyan Detox Stuart share their favorite sober holiday activities for your holiday season.
November 11, 2018

How the Holidays Worsen Addiction

The holiday season is full of stress, and addiction only makes things worse. There is a strong connection between worsening addiction and the holiday season. But, you can cope with stress in a healthy way without drugs or alcohol. Banyan Treatment Center Massachusetts is here to help.
May 8, 2018

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

You may not have heard of it, but Mental Health Awareness Month has long been celebrated in the United States. If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance abuse or mental health diagnosis, call Banyan Treatment Center today at 888-280-4763 for a free and confidential assessment.
January 26, 2018

Five Celebrities You Probably Didn’t Know Are Recovering Addicts

Addiction doesn’t discriminate. It affects everyone across all races, gender, social status- poor, rich, young, old and famous or not. These 5 celebrities have spoken openly about their battles with drugs and alcohol and they are, as we know today, maintaining their sobriety.
October 11, 2017

Addiction and Mental Health Treatment for College Students

Alcohol and drug abuse is a common issue among the college “party scene” and culture. Many students start experimenting with drugs at a young age recreationally and access to the drugs becomes easier to obtain without having parental supervision 24-7 like they once had at home. We see time and time again, students’ stress and anxiety levels increase when they experience dramatic lifestyle changes and leaving for college can be one of them.
September 19, 2017

Meet the Banyan Team – Kahlia Bersson

We take pride in having the kindest, most experienced, and genuine team members at Banyan Treatment Center. We'd like to take the time to introduce you to some of our awesome employees! This week we'l introduce you to our Clinical Director, Kahlia Bersson who oversees all clinical staff at our beautiful Boca Raton based detox facility.
March 22, 2017

Ohio’s National March Against Heroin

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released statistics that showed Ohio as being the highest number of deaths from synthetic opioids in the nation. With these devastating overdose statistics appearing too often in the headlines, the time for awareness and change is now.
March 10, 2017

Brandon Novak: I was Deemed “Unfixable”

Years of being a professional skateboarder turned prankster lead to a destructive path down the road of addiction. Brandon Novak is leading an extremely interesting life to say the least. He sat down at Banyan Treatment Center and told us about his youth, his path to destruction, his battle with addiction, how he got sober, the rewards of recovery, and his introduction to Banyan.
March 10, 2017

Brandon Novak: “I was Deemed Unfixable”

Brandon Novak’s direct message is if you know someone struggling, or if you yourself needs help, the time is now. He is personally here for anyone who has a drug or alcohol problem, you can reach out to Brandon directly at: (610) 624-6270.
December 7, 2016

President Obama Highlights the 21st Century Cures Act

President Obama addressed the nation this past weekend, and the first subject of discussion was focused around the drug epidemic and how he is seeking to gain additional funding for heroin and prescription opioid addiction treatment programs.