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side effects of drug abuse

March 9, 2021

Difference Between Edibles and Smoking Marijuana

Because cannabis is growing in popularity, many people are looking into the different ways of using it and how side effects vary depending on these methods. Visit us here for a deeper look into the difference between edibles and smoking marijuana.
March 1, 2021

The Reality of Addiction: What They Don’t Mention in TV Shows

The reality of addiction is often obscured by Hollywood in an attempt to create elaborate and appealing stories. Our rehab in Boca Raton is sharing what they don’t mention in TV shows about substance abuse.
April 13, 2018

Fentanyl Addiction Signs and Warnings

Banyan Detox offers unique therapies for addiction treatment in Stuart, including a pet therapy program. This approach to treatment enhances other therapies and treatments, helping patients as they enter sobriety. Call Banyan Detox today to learn how pet therapy can help you or someone you love.