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Christian 12-Step Program at Banyan Chicago

The 12-Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous supports the belief that only after participants progress through all the 12 steps can they achieve long-lasting sobriety. Fortunately, this program has expanded to other patients and is now used in both drug and alcoholism treatment. Traditionally, these programs follow a spiritual approach and incorporate a new prayer for each step. While 12-Step rehab programs often allow patients to turn to any form of higher power they may believe in, our program, The Christian 12-Step program at Banyan Chicago, is slightly different.

AA Prayers and Their Relation to Christianity

The connections between AA and religion are quite clear. Both utilize concepts of spirituality and surrendering to a higher power to aid participants in their endeavors. Whether it is to maintain sobriety, maintain peace, or connect with those closest to them. Alcoholics Anonymous famously uses the serenity prayer, which goes as follows: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.”

Some people have assumed they can find the serenity prayer in the Bible. They do not realize that it does not originate from the scripture. It was penned by Reinhold Niebuhr in the 1930s. It grew in popularity after being adopted by AA in 1951.1 Despite its separate origin, the saying still possesses similar themes and ideals as many scriptures. They release the power to God, focus on acceptance of things that cannot be changed, and promote inner peace and positivity. These are all things that our 12-step Christian programs seek to promote.

What Are the 12 Steps for Christianity For?

The 12 Steps, originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), are a set of principles aimed at guiding individuals through the process of recovery from addiction, including substance abuse. While the steps themselves are not explicitly Christian, they are often adapted and embraced by various recovery programs, including Christian-based ones. The incorporation of Christianity in the 12 Steps can provide a spiritual foundation for individuals seeking recovery within a Christian context.

The 12 Steps encourage self-reflection, acceptance of personal responsibility, and a commitment to spiritual growth. They are designed to help individuals break free from the cycle of addiction by fostering a connection with a higher power, acknowledging the need for support from others, and promoting a continuous process of self-improvement.

In the context of addiction treatment, aligning the 12 Steps with Christian principles can offer individuals a framework for spiritual and emotional healing, along with a supportive community that shares similar values. This integration aims to address the holistic well-being of individuals in their journey towards recovery.

Christian 12Step Recovery Program in Illinois

A branch of AA, the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as the 12-Steps program, was originally used to help recovering alcoholics through the stages of addiction recovery.

Our Chicago addiction treatment center utilizes a different version of the 12-Step program to help patients efficiently progress through recovery. Incorporating additional forms of therapy prevents any underlying issues related to patients’ addictions from going unaddressed. A Christian 12-Step recovery program like ours offers patients spiritual guidance as well as addiction education that helps them heal spiritually, mentally, and physically from substance abuse.

During Christian 12-Step groups, peers will gather to discuss their individual struggles and accomplishments in addiction recovery. These groups meet regularly to promote accountability, peer support, and a sense of community among members. Members of our faith-based 12-Step program can enjoy the wisdom of guest speakers from the local Christian community on Thursdays and Sundays. Guest speakers share a lesson on the 12 steps while also addressing certain passages from the Bible. They also answer any questions that members of the group may have regarding scripture and how it relates to the 12Step program.

Our Christian 12 steps method in Illinois utilizes a Bible called “Serenity: A Companion for Twelve Step Recovery” to better guide meetings and provide members with answers to any questions they may have. We believe in honesty and integrity at our facility, so we take advantage of any tool or resource that will help our patients better understand our approach to addiction treatment.

Our Christian 12-Step recovery meetings are 90-minute sessions that begin and end with prayer. In group sessions, members study a particular step and how it relates to teachings from the Bible. These exercises are especially helpful and meaningful for patients who have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and higher power. For Christians who are not familiar with the 12 steps, our lessons offer a valuable introduction to the program and its guiding principles.

Additional Addiction Therapy Programs Offered at Our Facility

Our faith-based 12 steps treatment is an important part of addiction recovery for many patients, especially for those who have either accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts or have grappled with their faith. Many addiction therapies base their principles on submitting to a higher power and strengthening your spirituality.

With the guidance of scripture, patients in our Christian 12-Step program in Chicago can begin or strengthen their relationship with God, as well as improve their faith. The emotional and psychological factors of addiction often require additional assistance that’s beyond physical treatment. Patients must heal from the inside out to experience full recovery and have a better chance of long-term sobriety.

Because everyone is different, we do not like to limit our patients to one form of treatment. Alongside our faith-based 12-Step program, we also provide other forms of addiction therapy, including:

The effects of substance abuse are not limited to the individual but often affect those around them. To further facilitate recovery, we provide patients’ loved ones with recovery resources as well. Our family and couples therapy programs allow spouses and families of addicts in our care the opportunity to meet with our licensed therapists and work on their own recovery from their loved one’s addiction. Recovery is a step-by-step process, but the skills learned through our faith-based 12-Step program can continue to be applied to your life after rehab.

If you or someone you know is suffering from addiction and is seeking effective recovery that can strengthen their relationship with God, contact Banyan’s rehab in Chicago today.



  1. Bible Info – What Is the Serenity Prayer?


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At Banyan Chicago our goal is to make sure that anyone who needs treatment from drug and alcohol addiction are able to get the help needed to assist them on the road to recovery. If you don’t have insurance contact us to inquire about alternate methods regarding treatment for yourself or a loved one.

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