Relapse Prevention Strategies for Alcoholism

man running for relapse prevention

It is every recovering alcoholic’s biggest fear. After completing their time at an alcohol detox facility and getting sober, they relapse.

Relapses are often a natural part of the recovery process for many former alcoholics, but it is still something that most people would rather just avoid.

How to Avoid Alcohol Relapse

It is one thing to get sober, but staying sober requires effort, and avoiding alcohol relapse is often easier said than done. Our network of nationwide substance abuse treatment centers is sharing some relapse prevention strategies for alcoholism to help you stay sober for many years to come.

Avoid Drug Triggers

This is arguably the most important rule to follow for alcohol relapse prevention. Drug triggers can be people, places, or situations that remind you of drinking and lead to alcohol cravings. They can also be the quickest way to relapse as they can mistakenly trick you into thinking that you are missing out by not drinking. If you want to avoid relapsing, you should steer clear of the places where you used to drink like bars, clubs, or house parties. It is also a good idea to avoid the people that you used to drink with as being around them can make you want to drink again. Instead, focus on surrounding yourself with more positive influences that are conducive to your sobriety efforts.

Practice Healthy Coping Methods

A common reason people become alcoholics is that they use alcohol to cope with their poor mental health. Alcohol becomes a crutch in their life, but when this crutch is no longer there, it is time to find new coping strategies. The best way to prevent relapse is to replace alcohol with healthy coping strategies such as journaling, meditation, yoga, or exercise.  When these other methods become habits, you will be less tempted to turn back to alcohol in times of distress.

Continue Your Recovery Efforts

The best relapse prevention strategy for alcoholism is to spend every day still actively fighting your addiction. Although you may have completed a formal treatment program, it does not mean that your alcoholism doesn’t require further attention. It is important to continue to be active in your recovery efforts. Attend 12-step or other AA-like meetings on a regular basis. If you got help at one of our facilities, you have access to our rehab alumni program so you can connect with other people in similar situations and use them for support.

If you do happen to relapse, it is not the end of the world. Stabilization programs, by design, provide a stable environment for people who have recently relapsed. These programs can help keep a relapse from turning into alcoholism.

If you or someone you love is looking for help with a substance abuse or mental health disorder, do not wait. At Banyan Treatment Centers, we offer treatment programs for people around the country who are looking to improve their lives.

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If you are ready to take this step, call us today at 888-280-4763.

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