The Concerning Relationship Between Citalopram and Alcohol

inflammation cause of alcoholism and depression

The interaction of medication and lifestyle choices can be a delicate and critical component in a person’s well-being. Citalopram, a commonly prescribed antidepressant often sold under the brand name CeleXa, and alcohol use is one such intersection that necessitates cautious attention. It is crucial to examine the unsettling connection between citalopram and alcohol because both drugs alter brain chemistry, which can affect mood and behavior. In order to help people make wise choices for their mental health journey, Banyan Treatment Centers Delaware will examine the potential risks, side effects, and advice surrounding this alarming combination.

How Does Citalopram Make You Feel?

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as citalopram, are frequently used to treat anxiety and depressive disorders. It can improve a person’s emotional state and general welfare when taken as directed. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter essential for regulating mood and emotion, is the primary mechanism of action. People may notice a slow improvement in their mood, a sense of emotional stability, and a lessening of their depressive symptoms as the medicine starts to work.

Citalopram may help some people feel calmer and less anxious, which can help them deal with stressors and other difficulties on a daily basis. People may have improved dietary and sleeping habits while the medicine continues to balance serotonin levels, both of which can be adversely impacted by depression. It’s critical to keep in mind that while many people who take citalopram report favorable changes, others may react differently or experience negative effects. It is essential to have a healthcare provider closely monitor you throughout the first few weeks of treatment to make sure the medicine is safe and effective for you.

Can You Drink Alcohol While Taking Citalopram?

Citalopram and alcohol can interact negatively, making it important to carefully consider the outcome before consuming them at the same time. Before drinking them together, it’s important to be aware of any possible hazards and interactions because both substances have the potential to alter brain chemistry and affect mood.

Potential side effects of citalopram and alcohol include:

  • Increased sedation: Both substances have sedative and sleep-inducing effects. The combined effects could result in excessive sleepiness and compromised cognitive function.
  • Worsened depressive symptoms: Consuming alcohol, a central nervous system depressant, can negate citalopram’s benefits, worsening depressive symptoms and decreasing the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Potential for serotonin syndrome: Combining the two can increase the chance of developing serotonin syndrome, a potentially lethal condition characterized by increased serotonin levels in the brain. The symptoms of this illness include confusion, a rapid heartbeat, an increase in body temperature, and even seizures.
  • Impaired coordination and judgment: Coordination, judgment, and decision-making may all be impacted by alcohol. Citalopram can intensify these effects, raising the chance of mishaps and injury when taken together.

Given the potential hazards and negative effects connected with drinking alcohol while taking citalopram, it is advised to abstain from alcohol completely while receiving treatment with citalopram. It is crucial to be open and honest with your healthcare practitioner about your alcohol use if you have any worries about it or are unsure of how it might affect your medicine. Never forget that getting competent advice can assist in securing your safety and well-being throughout your journey with mental health.

Addressing Alcohol and Citalopram Abuse at Banyan

At our Delaware Drug Rehab, we understand the complicated challenges people encounter when battling polysubstance abuse, which is the abuse of two or more substances simultaneously. Our thorough and individualized treatment plans are designed to meet the specific needs of each person seeking assistance. We offer addiction treatment for both alcoholism and prescription drug abuse that offer the resources necessary for patients to attain long-term recovery.

Detoxification is frequently the first step in our treatment approach. In order to ensure that customers can go through the withdrawal process with the required supervision and care, our qualified medical team offers a safe and encouraging detox in Delaware. We rigorously control withdrawal symptoms during this stage in order to lay a solid foundation for subsequent treatment.

Call Banyan’s Delaware rehab center at 888-280-4763 to learn more about how we can help you or a loved one overcome the challenges of substance abuse.

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