The Relationship Between Alcohol and Fever | Banyan Chicago
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Drinking Alcohol and Fever: Are They Connected?


Alcohol has been a significant part of human social interactions and leisure activities throughout history. Still, the effects of alcohol on our health are more complex than they first appear. As a Chicago addiction treatment center devoted to comprehending the complexities of drugs and their effects, we explore the intricate connection between drinking alcohol and fever. Our investigation delves deeper to offer understanding, dispel misunderstandings, and offer a balanced viewpoint on how alcohol may affect the body's reaction to disease.

Can Alcohol Cause Fever?

While moderate alcohol use may not directly induce fever, heavy or consistent excessive drinking can negatively affect the body's immune system, leaving it more vulnerable to infections and illnesses that can cause fever. Alcohol can dehydrate the body, making it more difficult to adequately regulate temperature, which may lead to a higher body temperature or fever. Chronic alcohol use also depletes the immune system, impairing its capacity to fight off pathogens and raising the likelihood of infections, which might include fever as a symptom.

The effects of alcohol on the body can differ from person to person and rely on several variables, including the individual's tolerance, the amount of alcohol ingested, and their general health. While most people won't get a fever from an occasional drink, excessive and regular alcohol intake can harm the immune system leading to fever, and can even be a sign of underlying health problems. As a Chicago drug rehab, we promote moderate alcohol usage and stress the significance of consulting a doctor if you develop recurrent fevers or other unsettling symptoms associated with alcohol use.

The Dangers of Alcohol Fever

The development of alcohol-induced fever is one of the serious concerns that excessive and extended alcohol use can cause to a person's general health. A raised body temperature is a symptom of alcohol fever, which is the body's reaction to alcohol and its poisonous effects. People must be aware of the potential risks they may encounter because this occurrence is frequently accompanied by a number of hazards and problems.

These dangers can include:

  • Alcohol withdrawal fever: Someone who is dependent on alcohol may experience withdrawal when they quit drinking abruptly, which can result in a number of serious physical and psychological symptoms. Among these symptoms, alcohol withdrawal fever stands out as a potentially dangerous one since it manifests quickly and may be a sign of the severe illness delirium tremens (DTs). If untreated, DTs, which are regarded as a severe type of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, can be lethal.
  • Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance: Because alcohol has a diuretic effect and increases urine and fluid loss, excessive alcohol use can cause dehydration. Dehydration can increase the effects of alcohol-induced fever and lead to more problems. Furthermore, excessive alcohol consumption can alter the body's electrolyte balance, resulting in deficiencies that could exacerbate fever symptoms and have an impact on other essential biological functions.
  • Weakened immune system: Long-term alcohol abuse can impair the immune system, making the body more susceptible to diseases. People with alcohol use problems may commonly get infections that are accompanied by fever as a result of their weakened immune systems.
  • Underlying health conditions: Additionally, alcohol fever may be an indication of underlying medical conditions, including liver damage or infections that are made worse by heavy drinking. Alcoholism that lasts for a long time can cause liver inflammation (alcoholic hepatitis), which can eventually develop into more serious illnesses like alcoholic cirrhosis. Additionally, alcohol reduces the body's ability to fight off infections, making people more vulnerable to illnesses that might cause fever.

Excessive drinking of alcohol and fever are two very real concerns that can be posed to a person’s physical and mental health. Like with most illnesses, a comprehensive approach must be taken for an individual to overcome these challenges. Luckily, Banyan Treatment Centers Chicago offers resources to do just that.

Addressing Alcoholism and Fever at Our Illinois Drug Rehab

For those looking to break away from the many physical consequences of binge drinking and dependency, Banyan offers Illinois addiction treatment for alcohol that can help. Our nearby Heartland location can also offer alcohol detox services which can medically address any symptoms of withdrawal, including fever. This is especially important considering the other major health risks of a person withdrawing from alcohol.

Call Banyan Chicago at 888-280-4763 to learn how we can help you or a loved one safely overcome the challenges of alcoholism.

Related Reading

The Long-Term Effects of Alcohol

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Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.