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As the nation continues to monitor the number of COVID-19 cases and take the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe, many are left wondering how they’re going to continue their rehab programs if they happen to get sick. How do you get the healthcare you need if you aren’t able to attend an in-person doctor’s appointment? This is where our telehealth addiction treatment comes in. Otherwise referred to as telemedicine, our Delaware rehab center offers virtual addiction treatment that allows patients to receive the care they need and continue their programs in the safety and comfort of their homes.  

Benefits of Telehealth Rehab for Addiction 

Telehealth allows patients to meet with their healthcare providers over the phone, through text, and over video chat. Following the COVID-19 outbreak, medical facilities, including addiction treatment centers like our Milford rehab, began offering new ways to reach out to their patients and help them stay on track with their treatment. Especially when it comes to addiction recovery, consistency and accountability are key.  

 Improved technology has made telehealth easier to implement, even for those who don’t consider themselves “tech-savvy.” Patients can utilize telehealth to fulfill their treatment requirements and remain connected to our counselors and sponsors.  

Our Delaware telehealth for addiction offers a variety of benefits, including:  

  • Comfort and convenience: With telehealth, you don’t have to drive to our facility. You can meet one of our specialists from the comfort of your bed or sofa. Virtual visits can be easier to fit into your schedule, allowing you to be flexible in your day-to-day life while sticking with your program.  
  • Control of infectious illnesses: Telehealth has also helped to prevent the spread of COVID-19, flu, and other infectious diseases. Our specialists can use telehealth appointments to continue working with patients without risking infection. It also allows anyone who’s sick from having to leave the comfort of their home. 
  • Thorough assessment: Telehealth can also give our specialists some insight into your home environment. Simply observing the background of your environment or how busy your home is can help them determine any triggers you may need to be aware of.  
  • Flexibility: As we previously mentioned, telehealth allows patients to enjoy a flexible schedule, allowing them to spend more time with loved ones and focus on responsibilities like work and childcare.  
  • Recovery practice: Considering that the ultimate goal of addiction treatment is to get and stay sober, telehealth substance abuse treatment allows patients to “practice” being independent in recovery. 

Who We Treat 

Our telehealth rehab in Delaware treats a variety of demographics to ensure we help as many people as possible. We offer addiction treatment for adults ages 18 and older, including: 

  • Adults struggling with mental health disorders 
  • Adults struggling with substance use disorders 
  • College students (ages 18 and older) 
  • Executives and other high-level professionals with addiction or mental illness 
  • First responders 
  • Pregnant women struggling with addiction and/or mental illness 
  • Veterans and their families 

Each of these groups is in a different stage of life, meaning their needs and treatment plans may differ. For instance, a pregnant woman who is battling an opioid addiction will require a different form of care than a college student who is battling an anxiety disorder. Our telehealth addiction treatment is flexible enough to be customized according to each patient’s needs and goals. 

Our Telehealth Treatment Program  

While our facility offers multiple levels of addiction treatment for patients receiving care in-house, these levels change for those in our telehealth program. All services are held on the intensive outpatient level of care, otherwise referred to as an intensive outpatient program (IOP). In addition to offering care that follows the parameters of this program, our specialists also utilize different evidence-based techniques.  

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) 

IOP is a step down from partial hospitalization treatment, which is a more intensive form of outpatient care. Our telehealth IOP is best suited for patients who have already undergone medically monitored detox and intensive care (such as inpatient treatment) and need help transitioning to a sober lifestyle. It can be difficult to go from round-the-clock care in rehab to living out these lessons on your own, which is why we offer this cushion of support.  

IOP consists of 3 hour-long sessions 3 days a week, during which patients will work with counselors to discuss their progress, any challenges they are experiencing, how to cope with these challenges appropriately, and more. Family therapy may also be included in this treatment to help clients make amends with their loved ones and develop a dedicated support system at home. 

Veterans Program 

In addition to IOP, our facility also offers specialized programs to treat patients with unique needs. A recent addition to our services is our Military and Veterans in Recovery program, which is designed to offer addiction treatment and/or mental health care to active-duty members and veterans. Considering the trauma these individuals are often exposed to in their line of work, they must have their own options for care and support. For this reason, our facility also offers telehealth treatment for veterans and active duty. 

Faith-Based Program  

Banyan Treatment Centers also believes in spiritual healing, which is why we offer a Faith in Recovery program. This program is a faith-based treatment method designed to help patients heal spiritually as they focus on their physical and mental health. Patients in this program meet with a counselor every week to discuss establishing or rebuilding a relationship with God and how to apply faith-based techniques to their routines. Although this program is Christian, individuals from all religious and non-religious backgrounds are welcome. 

Family Services  

We believe that having a dedicated support system at home can make an enormous difference in patients’ recovery. For this reason, we offer family services online that allow spouses and close family to work with our counselors to learn more about their loved one’s disorder, how they can help their loved one heal, and to help the family member heal from the impact addiction may have had on them. 

SMART Recovery  

SMART Recovery is another program that is incorporated into our telehealth addiction treatment. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training and helps our specialists instill a sense of independence and self-efficiency in our clients, which are crucial for recovery outside of rehab. While clients can always rely on us to be there for them in their time of need, it is also important to grant them the proper tools to help them stick with abstinence. 

12-Step Program 

12-Step programs have been around for decades and are a part of addiction recovery groups Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). These are groups that offer counseling in a group setting for individuals recovering either from alcoholism or drug addiction. The founders of these groups believe that addicts need to complete all 12 steps to achieve long-term recovery. Although there is a spiritual undertone to these groups, participants do not have to be religious or conform to a particular religion.  

In addition to these programs, specialists at our facility also utilize a variety of evidence-based treatment methods to address the psychological and behavioral aspects of addiction. These treatment methods include:   

  • Anger Management  
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) 
  • Family Therapy 
  • Individual and Group Therapy 
  • Life Skills 
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI) 
  • Reality Therapy 
  • Relapse Prevention 
  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT) 


Start Online Addiction Treatment Today 

If you or someone you care about is battling a substance use disorder, do not wait to get help. Contact Banyan Treatment Centers today to learn more about our in-person and online Delaware drug rehab programs. 


Related Reading: 

The Opioid Epidemic During the COVID-19 Pandemic 

Opioid Drug Trafficking in the U.S. 

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