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Alumni Programs at Banyan Mass

Anyone in treatment for drug or alcohol addiction will understand the importance of a strong support group, from the very early stages of treatment, all the way to the end. This means eliminating negative forces from your life, and staying close to those who have your best interested in mind. Banyan Massachusetts Treatment Center emphasizes the importance of maintaining strong relationships during and after recovery, and because of this we offer an addiction alumni program to help our clients.


Family Therapy & Couples Therapy

An addiction takes a hold of not only the person abusing the substance, but also those who immediately surround them. This includes family members, spouses, parents, and close friends. Banyan’s team of expert addiction treatment specialists have extensive experience in the world of treatment, and we understand the toll that an addiction takes on those surrounding the user. We offer family therapy, as well as couples therapy for those who care for a person trapped in an addiction. Together with licensed, experienced, and compassionate therapists, you can work to rebuild relationships to a stronger point than before, and ensure that trust, care, and honesty are established within your most important relationships.

Alumni Recovery Program

Far too often those who successfully complete treatment re-enter into society to find themselves feeling alone, or misunderstood by others. The transition back into normal life after treatment can leave a person feeling stressed or upset, but a positive support system can make all the difference. Our Massachusetts addiction treatment center offers an Alumni Recovery Program, free to program participants and their families who have successfully completed day addiction treatment, IOP, and OP. This recovery program focuses on living a life in recovery and continued focus on relapse prevention. This program helps people stay connected to each other and the recovery community, through continuous events, meetings, and one-on-one connections.


What are the benefits of joining an alumni recovery program?

As someone who has experienced treatment, it is likely that you understand just how influential and helpless a strong role model can be. Now it’s your turn to do the same for someone else. Being an active member of our alumni recovery program allows you to serve as a positive mentor for someone who is in the earlier stages of detox, treatment, and recovery. Give them the same inspiration and hope that you received from your supportive peers in recovery, and watch as they find the same strength you did to break free from addiction, for good. Yes, completing treatment is never easy. Unfortunately, successful completion of substance abuse treatment does not necessarily mean smooth sailing from that point on. Just like anyone else, a person in recovery is likely to face adversity or stress from various life situations. These situations can be especially difficult post treatment, when usual coping habits are no longer acceptable. Unfortunately, negative life events such as the death of a loved one, losing a job, or a health-related issue can serve as a trigger for a recovered alcoholic or drug user. Having a strong, influential network of sober peers can make the difference between relapse and standing strong in the face of tough times. A recovery program allows for each member to encourage sobriety, provide unconditional support, and share tips and information for continued sobriety. More than anything else, members will build a strong sober community they can always turn to.


With our addiction alumni program near Boston, you can feel comfortable and strong in your recovery knowing you always have someone by your side. Contact Banyan Massachusetts today learn more about how we can help you break free from addiction and stay on a healthy and happy path.

Most Insurance Plans Accepted

At Banyan Treatment Center our goal is to make sure that anyone who needs treatment from drug and alcohol addiction are able to get the help needed to assist them on the road to recovery. If you don’t have insurance contact us to inquire about alternate methods regarding treatment for yourself or a loved one.

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