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Does MDMA Cause Memory Loss?

Does MDMA Cause Memory Loss?

Does MDMA cause memory loss? If so, why? Our Florida drug detox center is detailing the lasting effects of Molly on immediate and long-term memory.

Can You Overdose on Vyvanse?

Can You Overdose on Vyvanse?

Can you overdose on Vyvanse? What happens if you do? Can it be treated? Visit us today at Banyan Treatment Centers Stuart to learn more information.

Florida Brief Solution Focused Therapy

Banyan Detox Stuart Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Also known as solution-focused therapy (SFT), solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) was developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg in collaboration with their colleagues at the Milwaukee Brief Family Therapy Center beginning in the late 1970s. As you may have guessed from the name, solution-focused brief therapy techniques […]

Lisdexamfetamine Side Effects

Lisdexamfetamine Side Effects

While you may have heard of Adderall, have you ever heard of Vyvanse? If not, visit us here for a list of lisdexamfetamine side effects.

Xanax Overdose: How Much Is Too Much?

Xanax Overdose: How Much is Too Much?

While benzos can help treat anxiety and panic disorders, how much is too much? Visit Banyan Stuart here to learn more about the symptoms of a Xanax overdose.

Diazepam Side Effects

Diazepam Side Effects

Our substance abuse treatment center in Stuart, FL is sharing the common diazepam side effects and why this drug is so addictive.

Addictive OTC Drugs

Addictive OTC Drugs

Banyan Treatment Centers Stuart is sharing a list of addictive OTC drugs, their side effects, and some reasons why people abuse them.

Promethazine Side Effects

Promethazine Side Effects

Banyan Detox Stuart is sharing more about promethazine side effects and why this cough medication can be dangerous.

The History of Opioids

The History of Opioids

Visit us here to learn about the history of opioids and how their distribution and abuse led to the nation’s first drug epidemic.

Stuart Drug Addiction Treatments

Addiction Treatment in Stuart Going to a rehab center in Florida is ideal for people who need effective drug and alcohol treatment. We built our addiction treatment center in Stuart with the goal of long-term sobriety in mind. Addiction is a complex disease that affects people in all manners of ways. Many individuals have lost […]

Roxicodone Withdrawal Symptoms

Roxicodone Withdrawal Symptoms

Roxicodone, sometimes called Roxi, is a common pain medication that’s also commonly abused. In addition to the pain relief it offers, this drug can also produce a sense of euphoria triggered by changes in the brain’s chemical levels. As a Stuart, Florida treatment center, we understand why Roxicodone abuse is common and how dangerous it […]

Can Addiction Be Cured?

Can Addiction Be Cured?

Can addiction be cured? Learn more here about substance use disorders, what they do, and how they can be treated.

Detox Programs in Florida

Our detox programs at Banyan Stuart are centered on treating withdrawals, treating addiction cravings, and helping patients in their recovery.

Drug-Induced Thrombocytopenia

Drug-Induced Thrombocytopenia

Drug abuse can cause a whole mess of problems. Learn more here about drug-induced thrombocytopenia and what it does to the body.

Social Drinker vs Alcoholic

Social Drinker vs Alcoholic

Social drinker vs alcoholic; what’s the difference? Learn more about social drinking and why it’s different from addiction.

Risks of Isolation in Recovery

Risks of Isolation in Recovery

There are many risks of isolation in recovery that can threaten your progress. Visit us here to learn more about these risks and simple ways to avoid them.

How Drugs Affect Your Bones

How Drugs Affect Your Bones

Drug abuse can cause a lot of health problems, including bone disease. Our Banyan detox center is focusing on how drugs affect your bones and common bone diseases associated with drug abuse.

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant that can be difficult to quit. We’re sharing everything we know about cocaine withdrawal symptoms and some of our cocaine withdrawal treatment options in Florida.

Florida Veterans Drug Addiction Rehab

Veterans in Recovery Program at Banyan Stuart Our detox center in Stuart understands how common substance abuse is among veterans. Many individuals who have been deployed have turned to drug or alcohol abuse as a way to cope with the mental distress and trauma they experienced. Countless men and women who have fought for our […]

Do Whippets Kill Brain Cells?

Do Whippets Kill Brain Cells?

Whippets, also known as nitrous oxide, are a growing problem among young adults. But while we know they’re dangerous, do whippets kill brain cells? Visit us here to find out.

Sober Things to Do in Stuart

Sober Things to Do in Stuart

Adjusting to life after rehab can be difficult without some guidance. Whether you’re a resident or a tourist, we’re sharing some sober things to do in Stuart, FL that you can enjoy on your own or with others.

Stuart Florida Prescription Pill Rehab

Prescription Pill Addiction Treatment at Banyan Stuart Prescription drugs are prescribed by doctors for a variety of reasons such as treating chronic pain or pain after a procedure. Despite a prescription, however, medications don’t come without their dangers. Among the many side effects of prescription drug use are abuse and addiction. Many people grow a […]

Drug Abuse and Hypoxia

Drug Abuse and Hypoxia

Drug addiction can have a horrible impact on the mind, resulting in permanent brain injury and damage. Visit us here to learn about the connection between drug abuse and hypoxia.

How Xanax Affects Fertility

How Xanax Affects Fertility

Certain medications can greatly affect the reproductive system, making it more difficult for a woman to conceive. Visit us here to learn why and how Xanax affects infertility in men and women.

Substance Abuse and Hypersomnia

Substance Abuse and Hypersomnia

People abuse drugs and alcohol to cope with symptoms of other health conditions they’re struggling with. Learn more about the connection between substance abuse and hypersomnia.

12 Step Addiction Recovery in Stuart

Banyan Detox Stuart 12-Step Program The founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) created the 12-step program to help people complete the different stages of recovery after an alcohol detox. They believed that a person could only achieve full recovery by completing all 12 steps. The 12-step model proved to be so successful that it has been […]

Florida Addiction Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing at Banyan Stuart Addiction recovery can be challenging for many people. It’s not unusual for individuals going through this process to struggle with addiction cravings, withdrawal, and emotional hurdles. For some, finding the motivation to continue their residential treatment or other substance abuse program can be difficult. If you or someone you know […]

How Opioid Abuse Causes Hyperalgesia

How Opioid Abuse Causes Hyperalgesia

As the opioid epidemic worsens amidst the coronavirus pandemic, conditions like hyperalgesia are becoming a growing concern. Learn how opioid abuse causes hyperalgesia and how you can avoid it.

Traveling in Addiction Recovery

Traveling in Addiction Recovery

Transitioning back into everyday life after drug or alcohol rehab is already difficult; traveling in addiction recovery can also present some challenges. Find out some of the do’s and don’ts of sober traveling to help you stay on track.

Schizophrenia and Amphetamine Psychosis

Schizophrenia and Amphetamine Psychosis

Studies have shown that schizophrenia and amphetamine psychosis have been linked to each other. Learn more about the relationship between these two conditions.

The Aftereffects of Substance Abuse

The Aftereffects of Substance Abuse

The symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse can continue to present challenges even in addiction recovery. Visit us here to learn about the aftereffects of substance abuse.

Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms

Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms

Xanax withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to manage without the right kind of help. Luckily, these symptoms can be safely and effectively treated at Banyan Detox Stuart.

Amphetamine Psychosis and How to Recognize It

Amphetamine Psychosis and How to Recognize It

Because amphetamine is such a commonly used medication, it’s important for everyone to learn more about amphetamine psychosis and how to recognize it. Visit us here to learn about the signs of amphetamine induced psychosis.

How Long Do Drugs Stay in Your System?

How Long Do Drugs Stay in Your System?

Whether you use drugs recreationally or for medicinal purposes, you may have wondered, How long do drugs stay in your system?” Visit us here at Banyan Detox Stuart for more information on the duration of time drugs stay in your system.

Alcohol Use Over the Holidays

Alcohol Use Over the Holidays

At Banyan Detox Stuart, we know the stages of alcoholism and the health problems that can result from alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse can ruin a person’s life if it’s not treated immediately. Visit us here to learn more about the different stages of alcoholism and some of our treatment options.

The Stages of Alcoholism

The Stages of Alcoholism

At Banyan Detox Stuart, we know the stages of alcoholism and the health problems that can result from alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse can ruin a person’s life if it’s not treated immediately. Visit us here to learn more about the different stages of alcoholism and some of our treatment options.

Why Do Drugs Cause Hallucinations

Why Drugs Cause Hallucinations

Banyan Stuart asks the question, “Why do drugs cause hallucinations?” Click here to learn more about this phenomenon and what you should do in response.

How Meth Is Made

How Meth is Made

Addicts who don’t know how meth is made might not realize the health risks of using this drug. Learn more here about the harmful effects with Banyan Stuart.

Dangers of Mojo Drug

Dangers of Mojo Drug

The dangers of mojo drug are often unknown to users seeking a high similar to the one they would get from using marijuana. To learn more about the effects of mojo drug, visit us here.

Florida Meth Rehab

Meth Addiction Treatment at Banyan Stuart Methamphetamine, more commonly known as meth, is a highly addictive stimulant drug. While it is used on rare occasions to treat ADHD or help with weight loss, it is often abused illegally. Because of the euphoric high and energy boost it provides, meth is a common recreational drug, but […]

The Connection Between Alcohol & Cancer

The Connection Between Alcohol & Cancer

Alcohol is dangerous for several reasons, but more and more studies are making a connection between alcohol and cancer. Your drinking could cause you more trouble than you realize.

Major Drug Bust in Southwest Florida

Major Drug Bust in Southwest Florida

Although it is a prescription drug, the effects of Norco abuse could be fatal. Find out more about what you are risking every time you abuse this drug.

How to Manage Pain During Detox

How to Manage Pain During Detox

Although it is a prescription drug, the effects of Norco abuse could be fatal. Find out more about what you are risking every time you abuse this drug.

The Harmful Effects of Norco Abuse

The Harmful Effects of Norco Abuse

Although it is a prescription drug, the effects of Norco abuse could be fatal. Find out more about what you are risking every time you abuse this drug.

Florida Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center

Cocaine Addiction Treatment at Banyan Stuart Cocaine is a stimulant that causes increased energy levels in users. Because of its euphoric effects, people use cocaine recreationally, but this drug is also highly addictive. Many people will become hooked on cocaine and become unable to stop regardless of the negative consequences that accompany its abuse. Whether […]

Benefits of Psychotherapy for Addiction

Benefits of Psychotherapy for Addiction

Drug cravings are a part of recovery. Besides learning how to cope with them, learn more about what causes drug cravings and how long you can expect them.

Florida Heroin Rehab

Heroin Addiction Treatment at Banyan Stuart Heroin is an illegal and highly addictive drug that is a member of the opioid family. Many of our patients at our Treasure Coast rehab who are admitted for heroin abuse started by misusing prescription painkillers. As they become dependent on these medications, they begin looking for something stronger, […]

The Rise in Counterfeit Ecstacy

The Rise in Counterfeit Ecstacy

Studies on the effects of alcohol on the heart and cardiovascular system have mixed results, but for good reason. Learn more about how your drinking could be impacting your heart.

The Effects of Alcohol on the Heart

The Effects of Alcohol on the Heart

Studies on the effects of alcohol on the heart and cardiovascular system have mixed results, but for good reason. Learn more about how your drinking could be impacting your heart.

Why Do I Crave Drugs & What Can I Do?

Why Do I Crave Drugs & What Can I Do?

Drug cravings are a part of recovery. Besides learning how to cope with them, learn more about what causes drug cravings and how long you can expect them.

Building a Support Network in Recovery

Building a Support Network in Recovery

Building a support network in recovery isn’t always easy, but it is imperative if you want to stay sober. These tips on finding support in recovery could save you from relapse.

Stuart Florida Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Banyan Stuart While drinking is legal for those age 21 and older, over 14 million adults in the United States have an alcohol use disorder.1 A large portion of these people may not even realize that they have a problem or be in denial about it, but alcohol abuse is dangerous. […]

Signs of an Alcoholic at Work

Signs of an Alcoholic at Work

Alcoholism in the workplace is bad for business and the employee. Learn to recognize the signs of an alcoholic at work as well as how to help.

How Drugs Affect Your Face

How Drugs Affect Your Face

Not only does substance abuse impact your health, but drugs affect your face and physical appearance as well. Learn more about the cosmetic damage and negative effects of drug abuse on your face.

How to Explain Addiction to A Child

How to Explain Addiction to A Child

Trying to explain addiction to a child can be scary and overwhelming. Instead of stumbling your way through it, follow these tips to speak to your child about addiction in a way that they can understand.

The Importance of Honesty in Recovery

The Importance of Honesty in Recovery

Addiction recovery is about making positive changes, including making honesty in recovery a priority. Being honest in addiction recovery can drastically impact not only your relationships, but the success of your sobriety.

What to Say During an Intervention

What to Say During an Intervention

Not everyone knows what to say during an intervention, but what you say could make all the difference. Follow this list of tips on what to say and what not to say at an intervention so that your intervention could be a success.

Dealing with Detox in Quarantine

Dealing with Detox in Quarantine

Detox is hard enough as it is, but the coronavirus is forcing many people to detox in quarantine. If you a dealing with withdrawal in quarantine, these tips might be able to help.

Florida Dialectical Behavior Therapy Center

Dialectical Behavioral at Banyan Stuart Addiction is a large and complicated problem. Along with trying to combat physical dependence, there are several other lingering and secondary issues that need attention in order for the person to see long-term success with their sobriety. At our detox center in Stuart, we offer various programming and therapies like […]

The Less Talked About Rise in Meth Use

The Less Talked About Rise in Meth Use

Opioids may be making headlines, but the rise in meth use in the United States should not go unnoticed. At Banyan Detox Stuart, we are going over the surprising numbers and their impact.

Florida Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at Banyan Stuart When you or someone you love struggles with a substance abuse disorder, you want to do everything in your power to ensure that it is not only overcome but that there is no relapse. In order to have the best chance of long-term success, you need a Florida addiction […]

The Dangers of Mixing Benzos and Alcohol

The Dangers of Mixing Benzos and Alcohol

Are the dangers of mixing benzos and alcohol worth the risks? Learn more about abuse symptoms and side effects, as well as treatment options at Banyan Stuart.

The Rise of Psychoactive Drug Overdoses

The Rise of Psychoactive Drug Overdoses

Psychoactive drug use and overdoses are on the rise. Psychoactive drug overdoses are especially dangerous and though these drugs may not seem addictive, addictions and repetitive patterns of use can happen. Here’s the truth about psychoactive drug overdoses and what to do if you are addicted.

Managing Mood Swings in Early Recovery

Managing Mood Swings in Early Recovery

Feeling like your moods are crazy after getting sober? Mood swings in sobriety can happen, but it is possible to navigate the moods and emotions of early sobriety. Learn more about what causes extreme mood swings in recovery and how to treat them.

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