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One person’s drug addiction impacts their entire family, from parents to children to siblings and even to close friends. While substance abuse affects every family differently, all of these families experience similar struggles when facing a loved one’s drug addiction, including financial difficulties, legal issues, emotional distress, and domestic violence. 

Loving someone with an addiction can be incredibly heartbreaking, difficult, and chaotic. Because substance abuse impacts the entire family, addiction treatment should always include support for families of addicts. If your family is being affected by addiction, our Banyan Stuart rehab center offers the care you need. 

Support Groups for Families of Addicts

At our Stuart, FL, rehab center, we understand that addiction is a family disease, and effective residential drug treatment incorporates care for the client’s loved ones as well as for them. It’s not just about the individual coming in to find support, but the entire family.  

Not only is support for families of addicts essential for helping parents, children, spouses, and siblings find personal healing, but also to strengthen the addict’s family unit and provide them with a strong support system they can go home to after treatment. Therefore, we believe the entire family must come together and heal as a unit, and unity is only one of the many benefits of family addiction counseling.  

Banyan Stuart offers individual and group counseling for families of addicts in which family members will have the opportunity to speak with our counselors individually and together with their loved ones. Considering that a major part of recovery at our facility is making amends with others, we believe that holding a group session with the addict and their family provides a safe space where they can speak openly and get it all out on the table.  

During our meetings for families of addicts in Florida, family members will receive weekly support from our counselors and recovery advocates, allowing them to ask any questions they might have about the individual’s addiction and how best to cope in certain situations. Families will also have the opportunity to participate in monthly family workshops and a tri-annual family conference where they will meet others who are going through similar experiences.  

Many parents, spouses, children, and siblings feel alone as they work with a loved one to help them get sober. As the saying goes, there’s strength in numbers, which is why our Stuart rehabilitation center offers our clients’ loved ones the chance to meet others who are going through or have gone through similar experiences so they can develop better tactics for caring for the individual and themselves.  

In addition to personal work with our counselors, workshops, and events, Banyan Stuart also offers several different kinds of meetings for families of addicts, including Al-Anon family groups, Nar-Anon family groups, and SMART Recovery family and friends groups. Because Al-Anon and Nar-Anon are separated by drugs (one alcohol and the other narcotics), group members will have a more personalized experience and receive advice that caters to their situation.  

Learn About Our Help for Families of Addicts 

For up to a year after admission, our Stuart, Florida Banyan Treatment Center offers support to families of addicts to help them become a strong support system for the addict as well as develop healthy coping skills for themselves. At Banyan rehab locations, no one gets left behind in the treatment process.  

For more information about our family therapy services or addiction treatment in Stuart, contact Banyan Treatment Centers now.  


Related Reading:  

Alcoholism & Family Dynamics: A Closer Look at Alcoholic Family Roles 

How to Tell Your Family You’re Sober 

Most Insurance Plans Accepted

At Banyan Treatment Center our goal is to make sure that anyone who needs treatment from drug and alcohol addiction are able to get the help needed to assist them on the road to recovery. If you don’t have insurance contact us to inquire about alternate methods regarding treatment for yourself or a loved one.
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