Rohypnol Effects: Beware the Date Rape Drug

Rohypnol Effects: Beware the Date Rape Drug

After going out the night before to a party, you wake up and cannot remember what happened or how you got where you are now.

You only remember having two drinks the whole night, so how did you end up here? Unfortunately, this is an all too common story and if this has happened to you, you are not alone. You may have been slipped Rohypnol without realizing it.

While Rohypnol is used in some countries to treat severe insomnia or anxiety, it is illegal in the United States. Instead, Rohypnol is frequently used illegally at parties. Some people will take roofies recreationally to counter the effects of stimulants like cocaine or meth. Other people will take Rohypnol to enhance the effects of marijuana or hallucinogens. People who are using this or other club drugs regularly should seek help like at our drug rehab in Chicago. Still, other people will use the side effects of Rohypnol against others.

What is Rohypnol?

Rohypnol is the brand name for the generic drug flunitrazepam but is more commonly known as roofies. A strong benzodiazepine, Rohypnol relaxes the central nervous system and leads to powerful lethargic effects. Rohypnol typically comes in the form of an olive-green pill, but it is often crushed into a powder as well.

A Date Rape Drug

Along with being known as a club drug for its use at parties, Rohypnol is also a common date rape drug. People will sometimes slip roofies into someone’s drink to disorient them and decrease their mobility to make rape or sexual assault easier. Being roofied is the phrase commonly used to describe this scenario.

Because roofied effects often include memory loss, many people wake up confused and unable to recall what happened the night before. If you believe you may have been roofied, you can go to a hospital and request a rape kit. This kit could ultimately help police catch the perpetrator. If you are a victim of sexual assault or rape, RAINN is a National Sexual Assault Hotline that can help you.

The Short-Term Effects of Rohypnol

Rohypnol effects can range from mild to severe. The extent of the side effects will largely depend on the dosage, interaction with other drugs, the user’s body weight, the user’s experience with drugs, and the individual health of the users. Especially if this drug interacts with other substances in a person’s system, the effects of Rohypnol can be more severe and even dangerous. Rohypnol is often used at parties, so many people will have alcohol in their system. Because alcohol is a depressant that also slows down the body, their interaction can lead to more severe effects. The first Rohypnol effects can begin as soon as 15 minutes after ingestion

Immediate Rohypnol effects will often include:

  • Lethargy
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of memory
  • Confusion
  • Impaired mobility
  • Slow reaction time
  • Slurred speech
  • Blurry vision
  • Decreased heart rate
  • Slowed breathing

In some cases, more serious side effects of Rohypnol may arise, and a person could experience symptoms like loss of consciousness, feeling of paralysis, vomiting, and trouble breathing. These symptoms may also be a sign of a Rohypnol overdose and require immediate medical attention.

The After Effects of Being Roofied or Taking Rohypnol

The effects of roofies are almost immediate and may last more than twelve hours. During the end of these twelve hours, one of the many side effects of being roofied includes the comedown. People who regularly abuse Rohypnol can also become addicted to the drug and experience powerful withdrawal symptoms.

The aftereffects of taking Rohypnol often involve symptoms such as:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Photosensitivity
  • Restlessness
  • Tingling sensation
  • Confusion

The Long-Term Effects of Rohypnol

The long-term Rohypnol effects are largely still unknown, but prolonged abuse of benzodiazepines has been connected to addiction, potentially permanent cognitive impairment, memory problems, increased risk of hip fractures, and car accidents from driving with these drugs in a person’s system.1 If you find yourself addicted to Rohypnol or another benzodiazepine, it is best to get benzo addiction treatment sooner rather than later to prevent permanent and serious damage.

At Banyan Chicago, our partial hospitalization program helps people with various substance abuse problems find lasting sobriety. If you or someone you care about has an addiction problem, do not wait any longer to get help. The sooner you act, the better off you will be.

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To get help or more information, call 888-280-4763

Sources & References:

    li>AAFP- Risks Associated with Long-Term Benzodiazepine Use

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Get the help you need today at Banyan.

Don’t surrender your life to addiction, take control and get your life back today. We’ve helped thousands of people empower themselves to take back control of their lives. It’s time for your roots to grow in new soil!

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After going out the night before to a party, you wake up and cannot remember what happened or how you got where you are now.

You only remember having two drinks the whole night, so how did you end up here? Unfortunately, this is an all too common story and if this has happened to you, you are not alone. You may have been slipped Rohypnol without realizing it.

While Rohypnol is used in some countries to treat severe insomnia or anxiety, it is illegal in the United States. Instead, Rohypnol is frequently used illegally at parties. Some people will take roofies recreationally to counter the effects of stimulants like cocaine or meth. Other people will take Rohypnol to enhance the effects of marijuana or hallucinogens. People who are using this or other club drugs regularly should seek help like at our drug rehab in Chicago. Still, other people will use the side effects of Rohypnol against others.

What is Rohypnol?

Rohypnol is the brand name for the generic drug flunitrazepam but is more commonly known as roofies. A strong benzodiazepine, Rohypnol relaxes the central nervous system and leads to powerful lethargic effects. Rohypnol typically comes in the form of an olive-green pill, but it is often crushed into a powder as well.

A Date Rape Drug

Along with being known as a club drug for its use at parties, Rohypnol is also a common date rape drug. People will sometimes slip roofies into someone’s drink to disorient them and decrease their mobility to make rape or sexual assault easier. Being roofied is the phrase commonly used to describe this scenario.

Because roofied effects often include memory loss, many people wake up confused and unable to recall what happened the night before. If you believe you may have been roofied, you can go to a hospital and request a rape kit. This kit could ultimately help police catch the perpetrator. If you are a victim of sexual assault or rape, RAINN is a National Sexual Assault Hotline that can help you.

The Short-Term Effects of Rohypnol

Rohypnol effects can range from mild to severe. The extent of the side effects will largely depend on the dosage, interaction with other drugs, the user’s body weight, the user’s experience with drugs, and the individual health of the users. Especially if this drug interacts with other substances in a person’s system, the effects of Rohypnol can be more severe and even dangerous. Rohypnol is often used at parties, so many people will have alcohol in their system. Because alcohol is a depressant that also slows down the body, their interaction can lead to more severe effects. The first Rohypnol effects can begin as soon as 15 minutes after ingestion

Immediate Rohypnol effects will often include:

  • Lethargy
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of memory
  • Confusion
  • Impaired mobility
  • Slow reaction time
  • Slurred speech
  • Blurry vision
  • Decreased heart rate
  • Slowed breathing

In some cases, more serious side effects of Rohypnol may arise, and a person could experience symptoms like loss of consciousness, feeling of paralysis, vomiting, and trouble breathing. These symptoms may also be a sign of a Rohypnol overdose and require immediate medical attention.

The After Effects of Being Roofied or Taking Rohypnol

The effects of roofies are almost immediate and may last more than twelve hours. During the end of these twelve hours, one of the many side effects of being roofied includes the comedown. People who regularly abuse Rohypnol can also become addicted to the drug and experience powerful withdrawal symptoms.

The aftereffects of taking Rohypnol often involve symptoms such as:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Photosensitivity
  • Restlessness
  • Tingling sensation
  • Confusion

The Long-Term Effects of Rohypnol

The long-term Rohypnol effects are largely still unknown, but prolonged abuse of benzodiazepines has been connected to addiction, potentially permanent cognitive impairment, memory problems, increased risk of hip fractures, and car accidents from driving with these drugs in a person’s system.1 If you find yourself addicted to Rohypnol or another benzodiazepine, it is best to get benzo addiction treatment sooner rather than later to prevent permanent and serious damage.

At Banyan Chicago, our partial hospitalization program helps people with various substance abuse problems find lasting sobriety. If you or someone you care about has an addiction problem, do not wait any longer to get help. The sooner you act, the better off you will be.

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To get help or more information, call 888-280-4763

Sources & References:

    li>AAFP- Risks Associated with Long-Term Benzodiazepine Use

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Get the help you need today at Banyan.

Don’t surrender your life to addiction, take control and get your life back today. We’ve helped thousands of people empower themselves to take back control of their lives. It’s time for your roots to grow in new soil!

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