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Our Pompano beach drug rehab provides customized care for a wide range of addictions. If you or your loved one is suffering from substance abuse, our team of expert clinicians and therapists can help aid in the journey of recovery to ensure long-term success. We pride ourselves on offering addiction treatment programs that best fit the needs of each client, working one-on-one with each individual to determine the treatment plan and therapy approach that is needed. If you’re searching for a substance-specific treatment that can help you or a loved one recover, keep reading to learn more about our services.  

Pompano Rehab Programs at Banyan

While substances like benzodiazepines and alcohol produce similar side effects, their overall impact on the mind and body differ greatly. Similarly, recovery may look different for a person who’s recovering from benzodiazepine addiction compared to someone who’s recovering from alcoholism.  

For this reason, our Banyan Pompano Beach rehab offers individualized drug treatment programs to ensure that every client gets a care plan that works for them. Below are the following substance abuse programs offered at our facility. 

Alcohol Addiction Treatment 

Alcoholism has serious long-term effects on the body if not properly treated. This disease can completely take over, and there are extreme withdrawal symptoms when ceasing use. Our Pompano rehabilitation center provides customized alcoholism treatment with the main goal of helping our patients to achieve long-term sobriety. 

Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment 

Benzos are prescription medications that can be highly addictive. They are prescribed to treat anxiety, and if they are misused, addiction can quickly form. Our Florida benzo addiction treatment includes therapy sessions, as well as relapse prevention programs. 

Cocaine Addiction Treatment 

Also known as crack, cocaine is a highly addictive central nervous system stimulant that’s commonly sold on the streets. When cocaine addiction is formed, there can be detrimental effects on the body. Banyan Treatment Center offers safe and effective crack cocaine treatment that utilizes the proper medical care needed to successfully recover. 

Heroin Addiction Treatment 

Heroin is a narcotic that produces extreme euphoria in the user. When using heroin, the high is so intense and gratifying that it becomes highly addictive even to first-time users. There is a high risk of overdose and death associated with use; however, there is hope for overcoming this disease with the help of our heroin treatment program. 

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment 

Opiates are prescription drugs used for chronic pain management, and they can be highly addictive. We are currently in the midst of an opioid epidemic in this country, and these drugs are the leading cause of accidental deaths. Our opiate addiction treatment center in Florida utilizes various evidence-based practices to help clients overcome cravings, withdrawals, and more.  

Meth Addiction Treatment 

Methamphetamines bring an incredibly short, yet often intense, false sense of happiness to users. Meth addiction can destroy one’s physical health and produce uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Fortunately, our facility offers meth treatment that addresses withdrawals, cravings, and other problems left in the aftermath of methamphetamine abuse. 

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment 

Prescription drugs can seem harmless when a doctor is providing the medication; however, if medication is misused it can be addictive. Prescription drug addiction is a serious issue, but there are ways to overcome the disease. Customized prescription drug rehabilitation is necessary for a successful outcome. 

Additional Services Offered at Our Pompano Rehab Center

In addition to substance-specific rehab programs, Banyan Treatment Centers also offers an aftercare program for substance abuse where clients who complete treatment can receive ongoing support as they transition to sobriety. At our facility, we don’t believe that recovery ends when treatment does.  

For more information about our Pompano Beach drug rehab programs, contact Banyan today. 


Related Reading:  

How to Become an Addiction Psychiatrist 

Heroin Addiction Hotline: Number, What to Ask, & More 

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