How to Overcome Addiction without Losing your Job

How to Overcome Addiction without Losing your Job


Addiction is a very serious disease that can take over all aspects of one’s life. It can start with your relationships, and eventually the addiction can start to affect your job.

If you don’t decide to get the help you need, it will be too late and your life will turn upside down. You will have no support system by your side or money to care for yourself. Making the decision to get clean will change your life for the better and you will be able to adjust back into normalcy while going through recovery. You can come out stronger than ever and still maintain your career through perseverance and strength. The treatment experts from Banyan Treatment Center discuss how you can overcome addiction without losing your job.

Addiction Resources in the Workplace

If addiction is starting to enter the workplace or if you are not fulfilling your work responsibilities because of your substance abuse, this can be a major problem. Committing to treatment can be stressful if you are worried about taking time off from your job, however, your health is the most important thing to take care of in this moment. There are many ways you can seek out treatment and your employer will be supportive of your initiative to get help. Under certain conditions, your employer is legally not allowed to fire you if you decide to get help and go to rehab. It’s important to be transparent with your employer and explain that you will be focusing on your recovery during a certain time period.

Employee Assistance Program

There are some companies that provide an employee assistance program (EAP) that serves as an intervention program for employees who are suffering from a number of different problems such as substance abuse. Employers will provide resources for these individuals who need to find treatment immediately. Effectively communicating with your employees about these issues and connecting them to treatment will help you maintain your job once treatment is successfully completed. During your time at a facility for drug addiction treatment in Pompano Beach, you will learn how to transition back into your everyday life and you will learn the skills needed to handle challenging situations in the workplace.

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Overcoming addiction is not an easy task, however you can still maintain your job while practicing sobriety. Contact Banyan Treatment Center today at 888-280-4763 to learn more about addiction treatment in Pompano Beach and how we can help you truly recover.

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