Soma Withdrawal: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

Soma Withdrawal: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

Soma is the brand name for a prescription muscle relaxer called carisoprodol. This skeletal muscle relaxant is a Schedule IV controlled drug in the United States, meaning it has medical use as well as a potential for abuse and addiction. Like many muscle relaxants, Soma is intended for short-term use, and using it longer than prescribed can lead to increased tolerance and physical dependence. Soma withdrawal is a typical indicator of dependence and can be an uncomfortable process to go through without the help of a medical detox center.

Soma Withdrawal Side Effects

Soma treats pain caused by spasms, certain illnesses, and injuries by reacting with GABA receptors in the central nervous system. GABA is a chemical messenger with the key role of reducing nerve cell activity in the brain. When someone takes Soma, the drug binds with GABA receptors, producing a sedative and relaxing effect as well as pain relief.

Like many other medications, long-term use of carisoprodol (Soma) can lead to physical dependence, which is why many medications are prescribed for short-term use. The physical dependence on a drug usually takes anywhere from two to five months to occur and is often the result of consistent, long-term drug use.

Physical dependence can occur with both illicit and prescription drugs, and although it’s tied to addiction, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the individual has a substance use disorder. Physical dependence is also marked by withdrawal symptoms, which are the body’s and brain’s reaction to a sudden reduction in or lack of a drug.

As with other drug-related cases, Soma withdrawal duration and severity of symptoms depend greatly on how long the person has used the drug and the doses they would normally take. Someone who has used high doses of Soma over the course of multiple months is more likely to experience highly uncomfortable withdrawals.

Common Soma withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Tachycardia
  • Loss of muscle coordination
  • Muscle twitching
  • Tremors
  • Chills
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures

Not only can using Soma alone for long periods lead to withdrawal symptoms when the drug isn’t being used, but mixing it with other substances can also exacerbate the withdrawal process. Many people might either be prescribed multiple medications, while others engage in substance abuse by mixing muscle relaxants with alcohol or other substances to get high. When the time comes to quit or stop using these drugs, withdrawals can be worse.

Soma Withdrawal Duration & Timeline

As we mentioned, the duration and severity of symptoms depend on the duration of use and the dose the person would take. Soma withdrawal symptoms usually begin within 12 to 48 hours after the person’s last dose. Symptoms usually persist for about another 48 hours.

The longer someone uses Soma and the heavier their use, the more severe their withdrawals will be. Withdrawal from Soma may be longer-lasting and more severe if the individual used other drugs in conjunction with Soma, as well. For instance, many recreational drug users mix depressants and muscle relaxants to increase the sedation and relaxation both produce.

The primary symptoms of Soma withdrawal are mostly psychological, mainly because of the medication’s effect on GABA. As the body learns to function regularly again without this drug, a series of physical and psychological reactions take place, which are withdrawals. This process can be uncomfortable and difficult to complete without the help of professionals, so it’s recommended that anyone who’s looking to detox from Soma or any other substance should be under medical detox.

Need Help Weaning Off Soma?

Even someone who’s only used Soma for a short period may require a tapering schedule to ensure that they’re safely weaned off the drug. For someone who’s used it for a long time, however, a more in-depth process is required. Banyan Treatment Center offers drug and alcohol detox in Stuart for both illicit and prescription drugs.

Our prescription drug detox is designed to help clients who are dependent on drugs like carisoprodol safely overcome withdrawals and stop drug use. Clients in our medical detox programs will follow a tapering schedule that allows them to be slowly weaned off drugs or alcohol while receiving medication (as needed) to mitigate withdrawal symptoms.

Following detox, patients can then move forward to one of our rehab programs, each of which is led by specialists and incorporates individual and group therapy to promote confidence, motivation, accountability, and peer support. Our team is dedicated to helping patients and their loved ones heal from the impact of drugs and alcohol and achieve long-lasting sobriety.

For more information about our addiction treatment in Stuart, FL, and how to get started, call Banyan today at 888-280-4763.


Related Reading:

How Long Does Xanax Withdrawal Last?

The Dangers of Mixing Benzos and Alcohol

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