Can Alcoholism Cause Dementia?

Can Alcoholism Cause Dementia?

Can Alcoholism Cause Dementia?

Heavy alcohol use, such as the drinking often associated with alcoholism, has been linked to memory and brain problems such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Korsakoff syndrome.

These memory and brain problems have similar symptoms such as memory issues, mood issues, or confusion. Our center for alcohol detox in Boca Raton explores how these conditions are connected to alcoholism and binge drinking.

Alcoholism and Memory Problems

Research shows that heavy alcohol use contributes to 21-24% of dementia cases, showing a strong connection between alcoholism and dementia. [1] Alcoholism may not directly cause dementia, but it is a huge risk factor for dementia and is related to other memory issues as well.

The steady cognitive decline associated with dementia may not be reduced, but getting alcoholism treatment may help to prevent the condition from getting worse. Other memory issues associated with alcoholism, such as alcohol-related brain damage, have the potential to be reversed when the patient stops drinking and receives cognitive rehabilitative support. [2]

Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome is the most known form of alcohol-related brain damage, it is a combination of two alcohol-related conditions that result in symptoms such as poor balance, confusion, short-term memory loss, and involuntary eye movements. [2] Damage throughout the brain due to alcoholism is the cause of this condition.

Treatment for Alcoholism

Some memory issues related to alcoholism, such as dementia, are not reversable. But sobriety may help to reduce the exacerbation of many memory issues associated with heavy alcohol use. Our alcohol addiction treatment center can help those who struggle with alcohol abuse. We offer alcohol detox and rehab care to guide our patients to sobriety.

Alcoholism causes many issues within the mind and body, including brain damage and increased risks of dementia. But sobriety can help by preventing further damage and healing memory problems in some patients through neurotherapies. Our team is here to help in finding sobriety so other treatments can be pursued after alcoholism is out of the picture.

Call 888-280-4763 to learn more about our alcohol detoxification and treatment programs at Banyan Boca.


  1. International Journal of the Addictions – Alcoholism and Dementia
  2. Alzheimer’s Society – Alcohol-related brain damage

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