Help a Loved One Stay Sober During the Holidays

Help a Loved One Stay Sober During the Holidays

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and merriment, but the most wonderful time of the year also comes with some downfalls.

While they can be great for getting together with family and celebrating, they can also come with many stresses and drug triggers for recovering addicts. Holiday parties, News Years, and the holiday blues can all lead to relapse, but it doesn’t have to.

Tips to Help A Recovering Addict Stay Sober Through the Holidays

As a loved one of a recovering addict, you want to do your best to help them avoid a holiday relapse. Luckily, our Chicago drug rehab is giving you a few tips to help a loved one stay sober during the holidays so that they can enter the New Year drug and alcohol-free.

Be supportive & check in

With so many drug triggers, the holidays can be a difficult time of year for your loved one, so it is important that you try to be as supportive as possible. Create a sober-friendly environment and encourage them to reach out to you when they are experiencing drug cravings or feeling down. Especially if they struggle with their mental health and have undergone treatment for a dual diagnosis, it is important to check in with them frequently to ensure that the holiday blues do not get the best of them.

Do not push

There is a difference between being supportive and being pushy. Recovery is a long journey and is a trying process for your loved one. It is important to be there for them without pushing them to do anything that they are not ready for.

Encourage healthy habits

Although the holidays can be a fun time of year, they can also be disastrous to a person’s health and the recovery journey. Help your loved one maintain or create healthy habits. Encourage them to get to bed early, eat healthy, and exercise. Even better, practice these habits with them. Go to the gym together. Cook nutritious meals. Avoid staying out late. These healthy habits can help your loved one feel better and stay busy to avoid relapse.

Be cautious of your holiday plans

One of the best ways to help someone stay sober over the holidays is to be mindful of your calendar. Unfortunately, holiday parties are frequent at the end of the year and most are not alcohol-free. If your loved one is just starting their recovery journey, it may be best to skip the outrageous Christmas party for work or the big New Year’s Eve bash that can be filled with drug triggers. Do not be afraid to say no if there is too much on your schedule either. Instead, plan sober holiday activities like building gingerbread houses, seeing Christmas lights, or a family game night in.

Get them help if necessary

While you may do your best to help a loved one stay sober during the holidays, remember that relapses can happen. If your loved one’s recovery gets a little off track, get professional help. A stabilization program for addiction can help prevent your loved one from falling back into their worst habits.

At Banyan Treatment Center Chicago, we want to help them get sober and help your family move forward. Our partial hospitalization program in Chicago could be the greatest gift for your loved one this holiday season.

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If your loved one still needs to take that first step on their road to recovery, reach out to us at 888-280-4763.

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Get the help you need today at Banyan.

Don’t surrender your life to addiction, take control and get your life back today. We’ve helped thousands of people empower themselves to take back control of their lives. It’s time for your roots to grow in new soil!

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The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and merriment, but the most wonderful time of the year also comes with some downfalls.

While they can be great for getting together with family and celebrating, they can also come with many stresses and drug triggers for recovering addicts. Holiday parties, News Years, and the holiday blues can all lead to relapse, but it doesn’t have to.

Tips to Help A Recovering Addict Stay Sober Through the Holidays

As a loved one of a recovering addict, you want to do your best to help them avoid a holiday relapse. Luckily, our Chicago drug rehab is giving you a few tips to help a loved one stay sober during the holidays so that they can enter the New Year drug and alcohol-free.

Be supportive & check in

With so many drug triggers, the holidays can be a difficult time of year for your loved one, so it is important that you try to be as supportive as possible. Create a sober-friendly environment and encourage them to reach out to you when they are experiencing drug cravings or feeling down. Especially if they struggle with their mental health and have undergone treatment for a dual diagnosis, it is important to check in with them frequently to ensure that the holiday blues do not get the best of them.

Do not push

There is a difference between being supportive and being pushy. Recovery is a long journey and is a trying process for your loved one. It is important to be there for them without pushing them to do anything that they are not ready for.

Encourage healthy habits

Although the holidays can be a fun time of year, they can also be disastrous to a person’s health and the recovery journey. Help your loved one maintain or create healthy habits. Encourage them to get to bed early, eat healthy, and exercise. Even better, practice these habits with them. Go to the gym together. Cook nutritious meals. Avoid staying out late. These healthy habits can help your loved one feel better and stay busy to avoid relapse.

Be cautious of your holiday plans

One of the best ways to help someone stay sober over the holidays is to be mindful of your calendar. Unfortunately, holiday parties are frequent at the end of the year and most are not alcohol-free. If your loved one is just starting their recovery journey, it may be best to skip the outrageous Christmas party for work or the big New Year’s Eve bash that can be filled with drug triggers. Do not be afraid to say no if there is too much on your schedule either. Instead, plan sober holiday activities like building gingerbread houses, seeing Christmas lights, or a family game night in.

Get them help if necessary

While you may do your best to help a loved one stay sober during the holidays, remember that relapses can happen. If your loved one’s recovery gets a little off track, get professional help. A stabilization program for addiction can help prevent your loved one from falling back into their worst habits.

At Banyan Treatment Center Chicago, we want to help them get sober and help your family move forward. Our partial hospitalization program in Chicago could be the greatest gift for your loved one this holiday season.

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If your loved one still needs to take that first step on their road to recovery, reach out to us at 888-280-4763.

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Get the help you need today at Banyan.

Don’t surrender your life to addiction, take control and get your life back today. We’ve helped thousands of people empower themselves to take back control of their lives. It’s time for your roots to grow in new soil!

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