The Dangers of Fentanyl Use: What You Need to Know

The Dangers of Fentanyl Use: What You Need to Know


The Dangers of Fentanyl Use: What You Need to Know

Fentanyl is the strongest opioid pain reliever on the market, at 50 times more potent than heroin, and 100 times more potent than morphine. Banyan Treatment Center in Pompano Beach has seen that the number of fentanyl-related overdoses in America has spiked in recent months tremendously. Dealers love it because of its potency – it’s cheaper than heroin and gets more bang for your buck. In unregulated amounts, dealers will mix fentanyl with other substances and sell it to unsuspecting users, who are unaware of exactly what they are ingesting. This phenomenon increases the chance of overdose tremendously, as users might get hit with irregularly strong doses.

Especially for newly sober addicts, the threat and dangers of fentanyl are deadly. After refraining from opioid use for a period of time, a drug user’s tolerance decreases significantly. If such a user relapses, they are unlikely to tolerate fentanyl, especially since addicts typically pick up the same dose they were used to using before sobriety. The ability of a relapsed addict to determine a safe dose of street level opioids is little to none. Dealers might even cut other drugs like marijuana or cocaine with fentanyl.

In South Florida, the opioid epidemic is rampant. In 2016, fentanyl caused more overdoses in Florida than every other drug combined.

It’s important to continue to educate yourself on drug epidemics and the dangers of fentanyl, not only for yourself, but for your loved ones as well. Below are listed common street names for the notorious drug:

  • China White
  • Tango
  • Cash
  • TNT
  • Murder 8

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Here are three reasons to enter substance abuse treatment before the holidays:

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1.A gift that keeps on giving

While the thought of seeking treatment for drugs and alcohol before the holidays and being separated from family and friends during this time may be difficult, it’s important to keep the big picture in mind. The best gift you could give your family, as well as yourself, is many more sober holidays to come. Why not start with this year and get help now?

2. “Sticking it out” won’t help

Although many people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction attempt to “keep it together” for the holidays, postponing treatment until a later time, the problems won’t go away. In fact, sticking it out for the holidays may make things worse. As families get together to celebrate and friends toast to a New Year, drugs and alcohol may become even more readily available than before. Drinking in excess may be considered “normal” during this time, but to someone in active addiction, this can mean disaster. Why take the chance, when you can get help for drug and alcohol addiction today?

3. Staying out of trouble

Research shows that accidents and arrests resulting from drug and alcohol use increase during the holidays. DUI arrests increase by up to 20% in some states, and charges such as domestic violence and assault also become more frequent. Drugs and alcohol are often cited as contributing factors in these cases. Entering substance abuse treatment before the holidays may help keep your record clean.

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The only way to guarantee safety from the dangers of fentanyl is to stay sober. Get the help you need to prevent fentanyl use and abuse. At Banyan Treatment Center in Pompano Beach, we are committed to helping you achieve sobriety. We offer assistance with drug and alcohol abuse, adopting personal treatment plans right for every client. Don’t become another statistic call us today at 888-280-4763.

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