Telehealth Addiction Services

Banyan Treatment Centers Massachusetts understands that the pandemic is one of the many circumstances that have prevented people from getting the help they need to recover from addiction. Not only has COVID-19 impacted many addiction treatment services, but there are also many other challenges in life that we understand many of our patients face. Whether it’s a busy schedule, family, elderly parents, or school, our goal is to always be able to reach our patients and help them succeed in their recovery no matter their circumstances. Our rehab in Boston has taken the many recent changes our nation has faced into account when creating our telehealth addiction services. We’re now offering telehealth therapy services that allow our clients to continue their treatment programs remotely.

How Does Telehealth for Addiction Work?

Telehealth services for addiction treatment refers to the use of technology, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, to provide addiction treatment services to patients. By using the internet and online applications like Zoom, video chatting and connecting to addiction treatment specialists is made easy. The purpose of telehealth for substance abuse is to continue patients’ treatment programs when they can’t attend in-person sessions. Banyan Massachusetts is aware of and respects the safety guidelines set in place as a result of the pandemic. Not only do we uphold these safety measures at our facility, but now we can also offer patients who are hesitant to return to in-person sessions the opportunity to continue treatment at home.

Importance of Telehealth Access to Care For Addiction

As a Massachusetts drug rehab with years of experience in treating substance use disorders, we understand how crucial consistency and accountability are in addiction recovery. Unfortunately, many recovering addicts face numerous temptations and triggers at home. Additionally, considering the current situation with the pandemic, many are hesitant to return to in-person sessions or receive in-person drug therapy, which is entirely understandable. However, a lack of access to telehealth rehabilitation may cause clients in this situation to take a few steps back rather than forward, which is why we’re offering online treatment options for substance abuse.

Our telehealth for substance abuse gives patients the opportunity to continue their drug therapy programs no matter where they are. Whether it’s fear of exposure due to the pandemic, family to care for, school work, or a fast-paced career, our telehealth program is designed to keep patients on track and consistent with their programming no matter how busy their schedules may be. Our online addiction treatment options may also be beneficial for clients who are unable to or don’t want to commute far distances. Oftentimes, a far drive causes patients to either neglect their programs or find other treatment centers that may not suit their needs. Our remote services can eliminate this issue, as well.

Patients who take advantage of our substance abuse telehealth services will also enjoy the instant access to care that they’ll have. There’s no need to make appointments, commute, or wait after arriving at the facility. They can just log into their Zoom accounts and hop online to begin their sessions with their therapists. While our day treatment and other in-person sessions are helpful for some patients, those who are seeking continuous support or want to continue their intensive outpatient treatment remotely can.

How Our Telehealth Addiction Services Work

Patients receiving our telehealth addiction services will meet online with therapists three hours a day, three days a week. They’ll also schedule an hour every week to discuss progress and any areas where improvement is needed. Patients need access to the internet (WiFi) and access to a smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer, or any other device with a camera, microphone, and audio. During sessions, patients should be alone and in a quiet setting where they can concentrate. No one else should be able to listen to, watch, or participate in these sessions.

Additionally, keep in mind that telehealth may not be suitable for all patients. The course of treatment is always to be discussed with our team first to ensure that patients receive the care they need. For more information about our telehealth services and drug treatment in Boston, contact Banyan Massachusetts today to be connected to a team member.

Our telehealth services also include faith-based therapy sessions to offer patients the opportunity to grow spiritually in their recovery, as well. Our Faith in Recovery (FIR) groups provide clients with practical relapse prevention strategies and a faith-based perspective on recovery that they can use to overcome cravings and other challenges. During Faith in Recovery groups, patients can expect to gain a better understanding of Christian principles and how to apply them to their recovery. We also desire our patients to establish or restore their relationships with God.

Through our FIR resources, we hope our patients will gain an understanding of God’s purpose for their lives. In group sessions, our Chaplain will also focus on areas including forgiveness, relapse prevention, gratitude, patience, guilt, shame, self-control, and other challenges that many recovering addicts face. And while our FIR groups are Christian-based, individuals of all faith backgrounds are welcome to join us.

Related Reading:
Can I Smoke Weed in Recovery?
How Addiction Affects Hair