To effectively address addiction, it is important to consider the fact that this disease is multifaceted. That means that its treatment should also be multidimensional in order to get a comprehensive understanding of what contributes to it and what the best ways to overcome it are. At Banyan Treatment Centers Delaware, our team of medical experts applies various therapeutic methods, including options for SMART recovery meetings. These meetings serve as a setting for incredible progress in sobriety to be made. Read on to learn more about this program. 

What Is SMART Recovery Exactly? 

Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) is an effective and safe practice that is used to help people recover from addiction or substance abuse. The training teaches patients how to avoid triggers and prevent relapse after treatment. Our SMART recovery program allows individuals to get to the root of their problems and express their emotions in a secure environment.  

The SMART Principles  

SMART recovery is drawn from the principles of disciplines that improve problematic addictive behavior. Licensed professionals work hard to help the addict find the strength and power within themselves to make long-term changes in their life. During SMART recovery meetings, the principles taught and practiced include:  

  1. Building and maintaining motivation 
  2. Coping with urges 
  3. Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors 
  4. Leading a balanced life 

Addiction is an unfortunate brain disease that negatively impacts the addict's life and those who witness and love the person who is abusing drugs or alcohol. With SMART recovery tools, patients can gain independence, overcome intense cravings, and live a sober life. These skills are practiced and applied in everyday situations to maintain sobriety after treatment.  

What Are the Benefits of the Smart Recovery Program? 

The program requires a different vocabulary while working with substance users. Professionals steer clear of terms like “addict” or “alcoholic,” so motivation is not undermined. Instead, addiction is seen as a behavioral problem that can be corrected, especially through dedication and desire to recover from the patient. Establishing a support group is vital in the process, and individuals will express themselves while hearing others' way of life and struggles.  

The main benefits include maintaining motivation, reducing relapse risks, being able to practice self-control or management, and being able to enjoy a balanced lifestyle. When cravings are conquered, and triggers are noticed, then a person can work to grow their mental, emotional, physical, and even spiritual strength. At our detox in Delaware, patients can safely go through the effective process and build new relationships along the way.  

Recovery at Our Delaware Drug Rehab  

Our medical detox is supervised by our experienced medical staff, who prepares a clean and secure environment for you to efficiently overcome the adverse withdrawal symptoms. Whether you need to conquer alcoholism or need prescription pill addiction treatment, we have the methods and resources necessary for recovery. Plus, our family program offers the ability to mend relationships that were broken due to substance abuse.  

Don’t wait. Speak to a specialist at Banyan Delaware by calling 888-280-4763 and asking about our residential treatment program to get started on the path to SMART recovery today! 


Related Readings:  

Dangers of At-Home Detox 

How to Convince Someone to Go to Rehab