Facts About Fentanyl in Delaware | Banyan Treatment Center
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Facts About Fentanyl in Delaware

Fentanyl in Delaware
Although it’s one of the smaller states in the US, Delaware is no stranger to the war on drugs. 

Like the rest of the country, the opioid crisis in Delaware continues to rage on. While heroin and prescription opioids used to be the biggest concern, synthetic opioids are now leading the charge. Among them is fentanyl, which continues to grow in popularity. Banyan Treatment Center Delaware is going over facts about fentanyl in Delaware and the consequences that such drug abuse can lead to. 

Information About Fentanyl 

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is believed to be 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine.1 Made in a lab, this drug can be prescribed by doctors to patients struggling with severe pain, but unfortunately, this substance has grown in popularity on the streets. It is highly addictive, and because other drugs are often laced with it, it also has a high risk of overdose. In cases of addiction, there are grave consequences for a person’s physical, mental, and even financial health.  

Long-term effects of fentanyl abuse include: 

  • Ongoing and severe constipation 
  • Cardiac issues, like heart failure or heart attack 
  • Intense depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders 
  • Suppression of the immune system 
  • Difficulty reproducing for users of both genders 
  • Difficult breathing while asleep 
  • Painful fractures for elderly users 
  • Severe organ damage 

If you come across a person suffering from a fentanyl overdose, there are steps you can take to help them. Naloxone administration can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose, giving time for life-saving care to arrive before more damage occurs. Fentanyl in Delaware has been a major problem in the last few years. 

Fentanyl Use in Delaware  

One report found that illicit opioids accounted for 41% of all drug seizures in Delaware, and fentanyl made up 16% of these illicit opioids.2 Along with making up most illicit opioids, traces of fentanyl have also largely been found in other drugs. In 2019, 95% of heroin drugs seized by the DEA in Delaware also contained fentanyl.2 This means that many people taking heroin are unknowingly ingesting fentanyl and putting themselves at risk of an overdose. To avoid these dangers, as well as others, heroin addiction treatment in Delaware is recommended sooner rather than later.  

These facts about fentanyl are scary enough, but the most alarming part is how quickly the amount of the substance on the streets has increased. From 2017 to 2018 alone, the amount of fentanyl in Delaware seized by the Drug Enforcement Agency tripled.2 The influx of fentanyl is believed to be coming mostly from Philadelphia, a major port for drug trafficking, but Wilmington has established itself as the main base of fentanyl and heroin in the state of Delaware.2 If people are not able to get the addiction treatment in Delaware that they need, fentanyl will likely continue to cause devastation in the state and may only grow more in popularity. 

Banyan’s Opioid Addiction Treatment Center Wants to Help 

As a Delaware drug rehab, the rise of fentanyl in the state is particularly alarming. We have watched as this dangerous drug has damaged users, loved ones, and the surrounding community. We say no more. 

Our center for medical detox in Delaware offers treatment for the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms of prolonged drug abuse and can be an incredible first step on your recovery journey. Following this, patients can be placed into one of our levels of care, where they can receive life-changing treatment by acclaimed industry professionals. 

Whether a person needs intensive outpatient care or a full-time residential treatment program, Banyan can help them achieve and maintain sobriety. There is so much more to life than drugs, and we hope to help each patient discover this fact for themselves. The opioid epidemic is a staunch reminder of the damage addiction can lead to. Too many lives have been lost, but there is still hope for each person who is determined to change for the better.  

If you or someone you love is battling an addiction, get help. Call us today at 888-280-4763 to learn more about our Milford rehab programs. 



  1. U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Agency - Drugs of Abuse 
  2. DEA Intelligence Report - The Drug Situation in Delaware 2020 


Related Reading 

Fentanyl Compared to Heroin 

Rainbow Fentanyl 

Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.