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The Signs of Benzo Withdrawal

The Signs of Benzo Withdrawal

While benzos are used to treat high levels of anxiety disorders, panic attacks, and sleep disorders to, this psychoactive drug can be highly addictive. Unfortunately, many people abuse benzos without even having a prescription from a doctor, and a full-blown addiction can occur in this situation. There are many dangers to a benzo addiction, and the effects can be fatal when mixed with other drugs. The symptoms of benzo withdrawal are serious, and there are common warning signs to be aware of. Seeking benzo addiction treatment will allow individuals to get a fresh start, as well as get clean.

What is a Benzo Withdrawal?

Like any other highly addictive drug, prolonged use of benzos can cause a physical dependence on the body. Without the drug, the body has trouble properly functioning. This is a very uncomfortable and often painful experience for users when they are going through withdrawal symptoms. The only way to successfully overcome the withdrawal symptoms is to seek medical help and undergo benzo addiction treatment. A medically monitored detox will allow individuals to safely and comfortably detox from benzos and start the necessary treatment for long-term sobriety.

Symptoms of Benzo Withdrawal

If you have recently quit using benzos and are experiencing extreme anxiety, irritability, and high blood pressure, you may be in the withdrawal phase. It’s very important that you seek professional help because serious complications can occur during this time and a proper detox is needed. There are cases where people can experience seizures during withdrawal. The intensity levels of withdrawal symptoms can range, depending on someone’s medical history, as well as the addiction level. Some people can also experience symptoms for longer periods than others. Other common symptoms of benzo withdrawal include sweating, insomnia, and muscle stiffness.


Benzo addiction treatment can save your life and help you truly recover from the pain and suffering. Our drug and alcohol treatment center in Pompano Beach is here to help you get back on track and start over. Contact Banyan Treatment Center today at 888-280-4763 to get the help you deserve.

Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.
The Signs of Benzo Withdrawal
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