How Katrom & The Heart Interact | Banyan Chicago
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Everything to Know About Kratom & Heart Function

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Kratom, an herbal supplement derived from the leaves of a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, has garnered attention for its purported medicinal properties. Advocates highlight its advantages for pain relief, mood enhancement, and as a substitute for conventional opioids. It's crucial to comprehend both its possible benefits and risks, though, as with any substance. The effects of kratom on cardiovascular health are one area of worry. Banyan Treatment Centers Chicago explores the connection between kratom and heart health, along with possible symptoms, cardiotoxicity, and the risk of an enlarged heart. Even though studies are ongoing and results are not yet conclusive, it is critical for people to be aware of the potential effects of kratom use on their cardiovascular health, especially those who already have pre-existing cardiac issues.

What Does Kratom Do to the Heart?

A tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, kratom has gained popularity in recent years as an herbal supplement with purported medicinal properties. While some supporters tout advantages like pain alleviation and mood enhancement in cases of depression, it's crucial to be aware of possible hazards, particularly with regard to cardiovascular health. Kratom includes active substances known as alkaloids, such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which have a variety of physiological effects. These alkaloids may have stimulant or depressive effects on the heart, affecting heart rate, blood pressure, and general cardiovascular function.

Kratom heart side effects can include:

  • Increased heart rate (Tachycardia): The ability of kratom to increase heart rate is one of its most noteworthy effects on the heart. This is mainly because the plant's alkaloids have stimulating qualities. Kratom is more likely to have this effect at higher dosages and with more potent strains, which might be problematic for people with pre-existing cardiovascular issues.
  • Elevated blood pressure: The effect of kratom on blood pressure varies depending on the dosage and personal characteristics. At smaller doses, it might cause a slight rise in blood pressure. However, at greater doses, it might cause more noticeable rises. This is especially important for people who already have hypertension or other cardiovascular problems. If consuming kratom frequently, blood pressure levels must be closely watched.
  • Irregular heartbeat (Arrhythmia): After taking kratom, some individuals have described having erratic heartbeats. Symptoms of this include palpitations, skipped beats, and other abnormal cardiac rhythms. People who already have heart issues may be more susceptible to this effect.
  • Chest discomfort or pain: Using kratom has occasionally been linked to chest pain or discomfort. This might cause anything from a slight pressing sensation to more intense pain. While using kratom, it's crucial to pay attention to any chest-related symptoms because they could be a sign of more severe cardiovascular problems.
  • Vasoconstriction: A narrowing of blood arteries, vasoconstriction has been linked to kratom use. Reduced blood supply to various body areas, as a result, may result in cold extremities, numbness, or tingling feelings.

It's important to stress that these kratom heart problems can vary greatly based on a variety of circumstances, including dosage, physiology of the user, and the particular strain of kratom utilized. Anyone thinking about using kratom, especially those with pre-existing cardiovascular issues, should speak with a healthcare provider for individualized guidance and monitoring.

Can Kratom Cause an Enlarged Heart?

There could be a possible connection between using kratom and cardiomegaly or an enlarged heart. While there is still a lack of study in this area, several studies and case reports have suggested that persistent, high-dose kratom use may be linked to cardiac anomalies, such as an enlarged heart.1 Kratom's active alkaloids, especially mitragynine, have been proven to interact with the circulatory system and may eventually affect the way the heart looks and works.

It's critical to note that the likelihood of an enlarged heart as a result of kratom use is unproven and appears to depend on a number of variables. This covers individual susceptibility, regularity, and length of kratom usage, as well as dosage, frequency, and existing heart problems. Additionally, the possibility of an enlarged heart from kratom use may be an uncommon event and not the usual result for most users. However, people who take kratom for a long time and in heavy doses should be aware of the hazards and think about consulting a doctor for frequent heart checks.

Becoming Your Best Self at Our Naperville Rehab Center

Despite the fact that kratom may not by itself be addictive, the possibility of substance misuse is always cause for concern. Our drug rehab in Chicago is aware of the complexity of addiction and the difficulties people encounter on the road to recovery. In order to provide a secure and encouraging atmosphere for persons trying to overcome substance misuse, our holistic approach to addiction treatment blends clinically proven therapy methods with an empathetic touch. We enable people to reclaim their lives and rediscover their true potential through a team of committed professionals, individualized treatment plans, and a variety of therapy modalities. Our center is dedicated to assisting you in moving towards a healthier, more rewarding future.

Call the professionals of Banyan Chicago at 888-280-4763 to learn more about our Illinois rehab facilities and the services that they offer.


  1. NIH - The Adverse Cardiovascular Effects and Cardiotoxicity of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.): A Comprehensive Review
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.