The Difference Between Juul vs Vape | Banyan Texas
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Juul Vs Vape: What’s The Difference?

How to Quit Vaping in the New Year

Juul vs. Vape: What’s the Difference?

Recent years have seen an uptick in the popularity of vaping, a supposedly healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes. This has left the market flooded with various products and devices for people to choose from. Two such products that are often compared are Juul vs. vapes. While both offer a way to consume nicotine, there are some significant differences between the two, and dangers are associated with both as well. Learn about how these products differ and why they may be best left on the shelf with Banyan Treatment Centers Texas.

The Difference Between Vape vs. Juul

The main difference between Juul and vapes is the form factor. Juul is a small, sleek device that resembles a USB drive. It is incredibly discreet and easy to use, with vapors only needing to inhale through the device without pressing a button. Vapes, on the other hand, come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from pen-style devices to large box mods.

Juul is a popular brand of e-cigarettes that has been making headlines since its launch in 2015. It has become one of the most recognizable names in the vaping industry. Vapes, on the other hand, are a broader category. They are manufactured by various companies and include a range of devices and products that deliver nicotine through vaporization.

Juul pods contain a proprietary blend of nicotine salts, which are absorbed by the body more quickly and efficiently than traditional nicotine. This makes Juul an incredibly satisfying and addictive product. Vape devices, on the other hand, allow users to customize their nicotine intake. They can choose from a range of e-liquids with varying nicotine strengths, flavors, and vegetable glycerol to propylene glycol (VG/PG) ratios.

There are also differences between how these products are used. For instance, many vape products are refillable and can be used with a variety of e-liquids. While there may be several Juul pod flavors to choose from, the pods are disposable and should be replaced once empty. Vape products, in general, can be more cost-effective than Juuls, the latter of which is relatively expensive. This may be because Juuls need to be thrown out once they are empty.

It is also worth noting that the FDA maintains a ban on the commercial distribution of Juul products, meaning that a person would need to take additional steps to purchase them online.1

Long-Term Side Effects of Vaping

Regardless of the differences between vape vs. Juul, both present a serious risk to the physical health of the person using it. While vaping is still a relatively new phenomenon, research has revealed some long-term side effects associated with this habit.

Negative side effects can include:

  • Adverse effects on fetal development: Pregnant women who vape might be at risk of adverse effects on fetal development, including low birth weight and preterm delivery.
  • Increased risk of cancer: While the long-term effects of vaping on cancer risk are not yet known, some studies have suggested that vaping may increase the risk of lung cancer.
  • Impaired lung function: Vaping can damage lung tissue, which can lead to impaired lung function. Other respiratory issues like chronic bronchitis, asthma, and COPD may also occur.
  • Cardiovascular problems: Vaping can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

As a rehab in Texas, we understand the damage that addiction to essentially any substance can cause. Nicotine addiction can easily become a slippery slope into a more dangerous form of drug abuse, which is a whole other beast to try and break away from. If you find yourself in such a situation, Banyan offers Texas addiction treatment programs that can turn your life around. We not only offer options for medical detox but can facilitate life-changing therapy programs that are the breeding ground for life-long recovery.

To learn how the Banyan Texas rehab can help you recover from addiction and substance abuse, call us today at 888-280-4763.


  1. FDA - FDA Denies Authorization to Market JUUL Products

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Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.