Tips for Avoiding Relapse During The Holiday Season
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Tips for Avoiding Holiday Season Relapse

Tips for Avoiding Holiday Season Relapse

The most wonderful time of the year can also be the most stressful time of the year for people in recovery.

Wherever you are in your recovery journey, you may be struggling with temptations of relapse during the holiday season. But you are not alone, and you do not need to work through your challenges alone. Our drug and alcohol rehab in Stuart, FL supports people at all stages of recovery, and we’re here to help you. We’re sharing tips for staying on track with sobriety this holiday season.

The Dangers of Holiday Season Relapse

  At Banyan Detox Stuart, we understand how difficult the holiday season can be. There are the stresses of the season and its hectic ways, and there are also emotional difficulties that can erupt from a dissonance between expected holiday events and the reality of what transpires. These stresses and triggers can lead to relapse which can be deadly no matter the time of year.

If you fear that you are on the verge of relapse, call our team at 888-280-4763 for support. We are here to guide you back onto the track of sobriety.

Tips for Staying Sober During the Holidays

  If you’re heading home for the holidays, you’re likely entering an environment full of triggers and other stressful situations that can put your sobriety at risk. But these challenges don’t have to end in holiday season relapse, you can stay on track in recovery by following these tips for avoiding relapse during the holidays:

  • Avoid stressful situations. Stress can be a big factor in relapse risks and unfortunately, the holiday season is full of stressful situations, even for people who are not in recovery. The key is recognizing your own signs of increasing stress levels, such as fidgeting, anxiety, or a short temper. If you recognize your own signals of stress, step back, take a breath, and work on calming exercises.
  • Recognize triggers before they happen. This is especially important if you’re heading home for the holidays and you have not been back since you have completed recovery. Going back to the places where you used to use, seeing the people you used with, or re-entering family dynamics of addiction can be triggering for relapse. But recognizing that these situations are on the horizon can help you develop an escape plan, healthy coping mechanisms, or support systems.
  • Take a break. The holidays are exceptionally overwhelming, especially for people in recovery. Recognize that it’s okay to step back and take time to recharge, calm down, and center yourself. Our programs for addiction therapy in Stuart help patients develop the tools they need to stay on track in long-term sobriety.

At Banyan Detox Stuart, we offer personalized support for recovery. From Treasure Coast intervention planning services to long-term sobriety support, we are here to help you build tools of lasting sobriety.

Call 888-280-4763 to start on the path of recovery and change your life for the better.

Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.