Reconsidering Relationships in Sobriety | Banyan Stuart
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Wendy Williams and Reconsidering Relationships in Sobriety

Wendy Williams and Reconsidering Relationships in Sobriety

Wendy Williams has shared her truth about recovery from addiction, recently telling viewers that she has been part of a sober living program to overcome her cocaine addiction. [1]

Though Williams never hit stereotypical rock bottom, she hit a breaking point where she realized she needed to make a change and find sobriety. Now, rumors are circulating that Williams and her husband of 22 years may be considering separation. [2] So, what’s causing a newly sober Williams to consider this path? We explore how some relationships change after completing drug and alcohol treatment.

Why Relationships Change in Recovery

To understand how relationships can change in recovery, we need to explore relationships and addiction. When someone is living with an active drug or alcohol addiction, the substances they are using are their number one focus. All other relationships fall by the wayside, and addicts may even harm those they love to maintain their active addiction. After getting sober and completing a cocaine detox program and full treatment path, many patients regret how they treated their loved ones during their addiction. For relationships and recovery, this means that former addicts need to focus on healing themselves before healing their relationships.

Newly sober people may find that after addiction is gone, they don’t have a lot in common with those they associated with during their drug or alcohol use. Relationships and recovery should work hand in hand and assessing your existing relationships can help you identify which ones are honoring your sobriety. Newfound sobriety gives clarity to identify and exit toxic relationships. [3] Though we cannot speak for Williams and her marriage, many patients are better at identifying and addressing unhealthy relationship dynamics in their marriage after getting treatment. Separation is not always the path patients take, many relationships grow stronger after unhealthy dynamics are identified and treated.

Fixing Relationships After Getting Sober

Now that you understand why relationships change in recovery, you can work on fixing your relationships that have been affected by addiction. Therapy approaches such as family therapy and interpersonal therapy can help. Working on yourself and your own challenges is the best thing you can do to strengthen all of your relationships.

For help in healing, detox, treatment, and recovery, call our team at 888-280-4863.


  1. New York Times – Wendy Williams Announces on TV She is ‘Living in a Sober House’
  2. AOL – Wendy Williams and husband Kevin Hunter consider separating
  3. Psychology Today – What You Need to Know About Relationships and Recovery
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.