Ibogaine: Another Kind of Ayahuasca | Banyan Massachusetts
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Ibogaine: Another Kind of Ayahuasca

Ibogaine: Another Kind of Ayahuasca

What is ibogaine? It’s a naturally occurring psychoactive, straight from the Tabernanthe iboga, which is an African root. Around the 20th century, the extract became well-known to use as a detoxification option to treat opioid addiction. The detox method seriously benefited people to pass many opioid withdrawal symptoms, and since its power results from one of the twelve alkaloids found in the Tabernanthe iboga plant, it’s meant to sustain purity and has helped researchers create alternatives by using similar chemical compounds found in the extract.

Ibogaine Plant Benefits

Ibogaine triggers the central nervous system to signal the body to begin to heal itself through a complex process quickly. The subconscious mind is awakened during the process and is a significant part of the system. The mind is able to understand positive and negative emotions, behaviors, and the depth of trauma efficiently, and because of this it effectively recenters these toxic happenings to mindfulness.

Primarily, iboga has traditionally been used for religious purposes. People are able to connect to a higher spiritual level with the help of the iboga source. In addition, the extract helps reduce withdrawal symptoms from drugs like opiates, cocaine, and alcohol. Addicts will experience less frequent or severe cravings for drugs, so it can be seen as a terrific form of opiate addiction treatment.

How Is Ibogaine Taken?

Preparation is first, regardless of taking the extract for anxiety, depression, PTSD, or depression. A person needs to set a goal and imagine success with recovery before taking the substance. Often treatment is followed by massage, yoga, or acupuncture. Ibogaine plant medicine can be taken as a powder, anally, and by orally consuming iboga capsules.

Side Effects of Ibogaine

Though ibogaine for addiction does work, there are risks involved with consuming the substance. There is the possibility of toxicity-related health risks and of it interacting with other drugs. This increases the risk of experiencing cardiac complications or other adverse side effects. Some side effects include:

  • Mania
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Arrhythmia
  • Neurotoxicity
  • Death
  • Worsening psychosis symptoms

Although mood and withdrawal symptoms from certain drugs can improve, the ibogaine effects are intense, and there are numerous deaths reported from people using the substance. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, there are alternatives to drugs. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is beneficial for people who want to avoid the possibility of adopting a new addiction.

Help at Our Boston Addiction Treatment

At Banyan Massachusetts, we offer unique levels of care to ensure each patient can receive the proper care they need during the recovery process. We offer special therapeutic methods like rational emotive behavior therapy and gestalt therapy. Our experienced medical staff provides a safe and clean environment for patients to go through the withdrawal process effectively.


Please, don’t hesitate to contact Banyan’s Massachusetts rehab by calling 888-280-4763 and ask about our outpatient treatment program to get started today!


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Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.