Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of several therapy programs offered at our Sebring, FL, rehab for addiction and mental health treatment. CBT is a form of psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective for a range of conditions, including substance use disorders, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. CBT has been demonstrated to be highly effective in addressing both addictions and mental health disorders, helping patients achieve a better quality of life. Keep reading to learn more about our cognitive behavioral therapy for addiction and mental health and how it can help you or a loved one recover. 

What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? 

As we previously mentioned, cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy, specifically talk therapy, based on the principles of behaviorism (dealing with the ways that behavior can be controlled or modified), as well as theories of cognition (focusing on understanding how people think, feel, and view themselves and the world around them). CBT is a psychological form of care that focuses on changing thinking and behavioral patterns to contribute to recovery.  

Cognitive behavioral therapy is meant to show the individual why harmful actions and emotions are not logical or rational. These feelings and behaviors may come from past experiences and environmental factors or may act as coping mechanisms. When an addicted person understands why they feel or act a certain way, as well as how those feelings and actions contribute to their addiction, they are better equipped to get and stay sober.  

When it comes to CBT mental health treatment, cognitive behavioral therapists also help those in recovery identify negative “automatic thoughts,” which may stem from various mental illnesses. An automatic thought is based on impulse and often results from misconceptions and internalized feelings of self-doubt, fear, and others. Oftentimes, people will engage in harmful behaviors, such as substance abuse, to cope with these feelings. Therefore, many individuals with addictions also have co-occurring mental health disorders.  

CBT is proven to be an amazing tool for individuals with drug use disorders, alcoholism, and mental illness to overcome their symptoms and learn how to live lives conducive to their sobriety and recovery. 

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders 

CBT examines the way our behavior is connected to our thoughts. When treating someone with an addiction, CBT for substance abuse follows these fundamental principles:  

  • Psychological disorders are partly based on inaccurate ways of thinking. 
  • Psychological disorders are also based on learned, negative behavioral patterns. 
  • People suffering from psychological disorders can learn better ways of coping, thereby relieving their symptoms and creating positive changes in their lives. 

In addition to talk therapy, where the patient would discuss their challenges, CBT therapists may also use role-playing techniques to develop a plan for how the individual would deal with problematic situations in the future. For instance, creating a list of the pros and cons of reactions to various situations can help people understand how their thoughts and actions may improve or worsen the situation.  

Having a plan of action prepared can help the person feel more confident about their behavior in the future. Everyone’s challenges are unique, so it is up to both the therapist and the patient to develop a treatment strategy to address the latter’s needs. What works for one individual may not work for another. By following this plan, patients can develop strong relapse-prevention skills to sustain long-term sobriety.  

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Mental Illness 

While the core of cognitive behavioral therapy is the same, no matter what it is being used to treat, mental health disorders may require a slightly different approach. Like cognitive behavioral therapy for addiction treatment, CBT is used to help individuals with mental health disorders eliminate avoidant and safety-seeking behaviors that prevent self-correction of false beliefs, subsequently facilitating stress management to reduce stress-related disorders.1  

According to research, CBT was effective in treating a variety of mental health problems, including:1  

  • Anxiety disorder, attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder, bulimia nervosa, depression, and hypochondriasis. 
  • Physical conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and breast cancer. 
  • Behavioral problems like antisocial behaviors, drug abuse, gambling, being overweight, and smoking. 

In stressful situations, some people tend to feel pessimistic and struggle to solve problems. CBT promotes a more balanced way of thinking to improve the person’s ability to cope with stress. With the help of CBT, patients can identify and change destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on their mood and behavior.  

CBT for Addiction and Mental Illness at Banyan 

Our drug rehab in Sebring, FL, offers various addiction therapy programs, as well as a mental health program, to treat patients with many types of disorders. CBT is only one of several services offered to aid clients in their recovery from addiction and mental illness, as well as their maintenance of long-term sobriety.  

For more information about our Sebring drug treatment, CBT, or other services, contact Banyan Treatment Centers today. 



  1. NIH - Cognitive–behavioral therapy for management of mental health and stress-related disorders: Recent advances in techniques and technologies 


Related Reading: 

Cognitive Dissonance and Addiction 

Cognitive Symptoms of Depression