Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino made a name for himself on the hit TV show Jersey Shore. The show followed a group of New Jersey natives and their misadventures with relationships and substance abuse.
The show followed a group of New Jersey natives and their misadventures with relationships and substance abuse. Like his other castmates, Mike had experience with binge drinking and substance. While the show attempted to portray the humor of most incidents, it was evident that Mike was dealing with a serious condition. As the nationwide drug and alcohol rehab center that has been assisting Mike in his advocacy, we wanted to share a bit about his new recovery talk show The Hope Dealer and how it’s helping others achieve their recovery goals.
Mike The Situation’s Drug Addiction
Along with most of his other castmates Mike engaged in heavy drinking and alcohol abuse on and off-screen. As a result of his rising fame, he was invited to participate in another hit TV show, Dancing with The Stars. Unfortunately, an injury led him to a severe prescription drug addiction. “The Situation” landed himself in a severe situation with drugs and eventually hit rock bottom. In addition to his drinking habits, his drug problem persisted as he continued his Jersey Shore lifestyle. But through his drug dependence and eight-month imprisonment for tax evasion, Mike persevered. With the support of his wife Lauren Sorrentino and the help of Banyan Treatment Centers, Mike The Situation’s sobriety became a reality.
At our Banyan detox center, we offer a prescription pill detox that can help individuals like Mike who struggle with prescription drug addiction. Our detox treatments are all medically assisted and include 24-hour supervision and medical treatment as needed.
The Hope Dealer Recovery Talk Show
The Hope Dealer with Mike “The Situation" is a new project he created with Banyan to inspire others who are struggling with addiction to get the help they need and sustain their sobriety. In addition to his Instagram and Facebook pages, Mike has also created a series on YouTube called The Hope Dealer Recovery Talk Show in which he interviews guests who have their own experiences with addiction. Mike is an example of how celebrities are reducing the stigmas of mental illness and addiction. By utilizing these online platforms, Mike hopes to reach and inspire as many people as he can.
The Hope Dealer came at the perfect time. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to unfold, more and more people are struggling with addiction and recovery. His presence on social media as a recovery advocate can make a huge difference, especially for individuals who looked up to him for his wild partying during his Jersey Shore career. Mike’s sobriety is an example that anyone can regain control of their life from addiction.
If you’re interested in learning more about The Hope Dealer, you can follow The SItuation’s new page on Instagram @TheHopeDealer and watch the first episode of The Hope Dealer series in which he interviews Brandon Novak: