Whether they are ashamed or not ready to admit that they have a problem, some addicts will do whatever it takes to keep their substance abuse problems a secret.
Unfortunately, their addiction doesn’t just hurt them, and often their spouses are dragged along for the ride. As a Gilman, Illinois, Banyan rehab, we have seen this time and time again. The saddest part is that when these problems are left alone, they can fester into a whole new monster that becomes harder to manage as time goes on. Read on to learn about some of the signs of being married to an addict and what you should do in response.
Signs of Drug Use in Your Spouse
If you believe your husband or wife has a substance abuse problem, you want to get them into a medical detox and treatment center before their addiction destroys them and your relationship. Look for these warning signs of drug use in your spouse.
Mood Changes
Because drug abuse comes with an initial high and then withdrawal as the effects wear off, many addicts will experience mood swings. Frequent drug use can also lead to irritability, depression, or anxiety. If your spouse is having abnormal mood changes or has become especially emotional, it may be a sign of addiction.
Appearance Changes
One of the most noticeable signs of addiction in your spouse may be changes in appearance. Drug addiction can often lead to drastic changes in weight and the neglect of regular grooming practices. If your partner has lost a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time without exercising or has suddenly let their physical appearance go, it may be because of drug use. Some other appearance changes and signs of drug use in your spouse may be sores from meth mites, needle tracks, and dental problems.
Unusual Behavioral
Addiction doesn’t just lead to physical or emotional changes in someone but can also lead to many behavioral changes. Especially if your husband or wife is on drugs and trying to hide it from you, they may start acting strange. In addition, lying, secretive behavior, and distancing themselves from you are not uncommon. Being able to identify what is out of character for your loved one can provide important insight into the possibility of being married to an addict.
Drugs & Drug Paraphernalia
The presence of drugs or drug paraphernalia in your home, especially hidden, is a sure sign that your wife or husband is doing drugs. Unfortunately, it may be hard to always tell what consists of drug paraphernalia, especially if your spouse tries to convince you otherwise. Look for home products that have been altered or that have a strong or unusual smell.
Bad Sleeping Habits
People abusing drugs and alcohol can develop some strange sleep habits. If your husband or wife stops coming to bed at a normal time, is sleeping at all hours of the day, or doesn’t sleep at all, it may be because of substance abuse. You may also notice changes to their diet.
Missing Finances
Drugs can be expensive, and fueling an addiction problem can drain your bank account. Addicts will often come to prioritize drugs over everything else, including buying essentials like food or paying the bills. If you find that your finances are out of whack and there is missing money, it may be because your spouse is buying drugs behind your back. Especially if you confront them and they do not have a valid explanation, this could be a red flag.
What to Do if Your Spouse Is Doing Drugs
Learning that you are the spouse of an addict can be a difficult thing to accept. It makes it even harder when the individual refuses to acknowledge the issue themselves. While spousal support is always important, divorcing an addict in denial is a painful reality that can culminate if the proper resources are not accessed.
If you have spotted more than one of these signs of drug use in your spouse, it may be time to confront them. Addiction is a scary problem to deal with, so try to confront them calmly and be supportive. You may also want to make sure you are setting boundaries in your relationship instead of enabling. Most importantly, try to convince them to get help. Our residential Heartland treatment center is a good option for people who are serious about getting sober, and family therapy is available to aid your loved one in coming to terms with the situation as well.
If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance abuse disorder, do not wait to get treatment. Call us today at 888-280-4763 to learn more about our programs at Banyan Heartland and how we may be able to help.
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