The use of social media has skyrocketed within the past few years and has created a new platform in which the public may be more exposed to and heavily influenced by alcohol-related advertisements.
Advertisements are popular in social media and prove to be extremely influential. Nowadays, companies rely on ads to sell their products and drive traffic to their sites. Alcohol companies especially rely on social media as a platform in which they can release their ads and catch their audience’s attention. However, this tactic is almost too effective, causing a steady growth in alcohol consumption amongst younger adults.
At Banyan Pompano, we know that alcohol addiction can be dangerous and cause severe health issues. That’s why we provide treatments like our alcohol addiction treatment to help those suffering from alcoholism get the help they need.
What Makes Alcohol Ads So Effective?
Alcohol ads are meant to entice and influence viewers to consume alcohol. In commercials, alcohol is often used as a source of enjoyment and relaxation in social gatherings or on vacations. It’s also portrayed as a way to increase attractiveness and popularity. Advertisements on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube share small bursts of videos and ads showing alcohol as a source of fun.
What these advertisements often do not portray is the addictive nature of alcohol and the damage it can cause. Side effects like disorientation, lack of coordination, and blackouts are never included in these ads. Viewers forget about the negative effects of alcohol and are misguided into believing that they can consume alcohol without any repercussions. In our rehab center in Pompano, we help individuals who’ve developed an addiction to alcohol recover and get sober.
The Dangers of Posting Alcohol on Social Media
Since advertising alcohol on social media was introduced, alcoholism has increased significantly in the United States. Research has continuously been done on the impact of alcohol advertising in social media on young adults. The 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health results showed that 14.4 million adults had alcohol use disorder, which is otherwise known as alcoholism.1 Individuals suffering from this disease may have to seek treatment in programs like our partial hospitalization program.
A big part of why alcohol consumption has grown as a result of alcohol advertisements in social media is not only because of the wide breadth of exposure that social media provides, but also because the negative effects of alcohol consumption are rarely mentioned online. It doesn’t take much for alcohol to cause uncomfortable and dangerous side effects, some of which include headaches, nausea vomiting, distortion of vision and hearing, and blackouts. Overconsumption of alcohol can lead drinkers to addiction and future health complications.
The impact of alcohol advertising in social media has led to an increase in drinking amongst young adults and a rise in alcoholism in the United States. Although alcohol is legal for adults ages 18 and older, any amount can cause adverse effects on the body and future health problems.
Sobriety is possible. If you or a loved one are suffering from drug or alcohol abuse, do not wait to get help. Contact us now at 888-280-4763 to learn more.