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Summertime Binge Drinking Dangers

Summertime Binge Drinking Dangers
With summertime in full effect, there are plenty of opportunities to get together with friends and socialize at barbecues or parties.

This can be very risky for recovering alcoholics, as temptations can be heightened in these situations. Oftentimes, drinking is included during these summertime activities, and newly sober individuals may have a hard time socializing without drinking. There are many dangers of binge drinking that everyone should be aware of, and there are ways you can make sure you stay on track even during the summer. Our drug and alcohol treatment center in Pompano can help you recover from any substance abuse issues, as well as provide you with the proper tools for long-term success in recovery.

Binge Drinking Dangers

Binge drinking can cause you to black out and not remember the previous night. You can also get extremely sick from excessive drinking, and this can ultimately lead you to a drinking problem if you continue to binge drink. If you are attending pool parties or going to the beach with friends, drinking in the hot sun can cause extreme dehydration and ultimately lead to an unwanted health hazard. Surrounding yourself with friends who respect the fact that you don’t drink and will allow you to not feel pressured in these kinds of situations. Take a step back from the situation and realize that if you take that drink, you could spiral out of control.

Recovering Alcoholics Tips for the Summer

If you are practicing sobriety and are worried about the summertime activities coming up, understand that this is normal. If you are attending an event that will have alcohol present, it’s important to prepare yourself for cravings that can cause you to relapse. We suggest that you bring a sober friend with you, so you won’t feel pressured by the other guests to drink. If you do start to feel the temptation to drink at a party, take a deep breath and walk away from the situation. Call a supportive friend or a family member who will help you through this challenging time and guide you to stay committed to your sobriety. Summertime can be a difficult time to stay sober; however, if you stay positive and practice what you have learned in treatment, you will be just fine. Our addiction treatment center in Pompano Beach can help all recovering addicts stay clean for the long-term. Contact Banyan Treatment Center today for more information.


For more information on the treatment we offer at our drug and alcohol treatment center in Pompano Beach, contact us today. We are here to help you recover and overcome addiction. Contact Banyan Treatment Center at 888-280-4763 to get the help you deserve.

Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.